Becoming Beatific

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“You may not like it, but you have to deal with it…. If you want better for yourself, you won’t stop looking at yourself. You will try to change things. You either have a chance to fix it or you can soak in it for the rest of your life.” Mary J. Blige

Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good. His love endures forever. Give thanks to the God of Heaven. His love endures forever. Psalm 136:1,26

Beatific: “blissfuly happy” New Oxford American Dictionary

Many of us, without knowing it, surround ourselves with negativity every day. For example, I'm a person who's into information, I see questions everywhere in everything. As a result. I'm constantly on google, watching the news, or listening to commentary, all in search of answers and information. That's all well and good, but as you all know, news and commentary can be very depressing. Very rarely does someone turn on the news or open a paper and see a positive and uplifting story. Unfortunately, all this consumption of negativity often results in depression or pessimism. Thankfully, we are also surrounded by positivity; most every song you hear on the radio, business you visit, or car you drive has a positive success story behind it. However, it takes an optimistic attitude to see them. An optimistic attitude is like a pair of binoculars, it allows you to see things that are often too difficult to see from a normal perspective. Optimism can make things more beautiful and enlightening, it can lift our spirits and fill our future with hope. Luckily, the more we use it, the more valuable and natural it becomes. So let's try to use our optimism as much as we can. Maybe then, when we look in a mirror, we will be more likely to see a beatific, instead of a depressed person looking back at us.

Daily Journaling Questions:

How did I help someone today?

What act of kindness did I perform today?

What did I learn today?

Who did I love today?

What about today do I want to remember forever?

What are my goals for tomorrow?

Thanks for reading.


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