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To my lovely readers,

This is the very last part of "This Love is Ours" and the very last part in the journey we have shared together throughout "Shooting Stars" and this novel.

I cannot thank you enough for everything you have done for me. These books have changed my life, and I hope they have been able to change yours as well.

It's been almost 2 years since I uploaded the first part of "Shooting Stars" on Wattpad, and it has been an incredible journey to share with all of you up until this point.

Thank-you for sticking with me throughout both of these novels, and I will miss all of you and your endless comments and votes, immensely.

I hope you enjoy the last part of this epic adventure we have taken together.

Love you all,

-Becca xoxo


Patrick walks across the grass at Millennium Park towards a few park benches and tables that are set up in the slightly quieter area of the park.

His feet crunch the autumn leaves underneath him, and with each step he takes, he keeps his blue eyes on the child in front of him.


Patrick's very own son.

Logan runs as fast as his little legs will carry him through the park, laughing and smiling with pure joy.

Logan's dark curls, similar to Patrick's, bob as he runs through the park.

Pat catches up to Logan and scoops him up in his arms, kissing him on the cheek sweetly.

"Daddy!" Logan giggles, trying to escape Patrick's grip.

Patrick laughs with him, still holding him in his arms as they reach the park bench.

It's September 16, 2019.

It is both Logan and Sarah Kane's second birthday, and Patrick and his beloved wife, Abigail, have decided to host a small birthday party for the twins in Millennium Park.

Both Patrick and Abigail clearly remember this day, two years ago.

It was the day that changed everything, the day that their two miracles were brought into the world.

Just as Patrick sets Logan down, he turns around to see Abigail walking towards him, Sarah wrapped up in her arms.

Abby's light brown hair is down and curled, and her smile is still beautiful and sweet.

And Patrick is in love with her.

Patrick is absolutely, undeniably in love with her.

Sarah has a head full of beautiful blonde curls, and her brown eyes are sweet as she giggles in her mom's arms.

Abby flashes Patrick a quick smile, before setting Sarah down, as well as the cake that she has in her hands.

Her and Pat begin unloading all of the party supplies, such as matches, candles, napkins, paper plates, and all of that good stuff.

The autumn breeze is crisp, and Chicago is completely full of oranges, reds, and yellows as the trees begin to shed their leaves for winter.

Logan and Sarah can hardly believe that it is their birthday, and are bubbling over with excitement.

The twins are absolutely beautiful human-beings.

Logan has inherited Abigail's brown hair, and Patrick's blue eyes.

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