Chapter 46: Fathoming Thoughts

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I throw on my toque over my blonde curls, and glance in the mirror.

I button up my jacket, and notice my curls sticking out the back of my toque.

It's Thursday, December 15, about 2:30 in the afternoon.

The Blackhawks got back from a quick road-trip to Buffalo this morning.

We played the Sabres last night in Buffalo, and it was really nice to get back to my hometown, even for a day.

Yesterday afternoon, I went and had lunch at my parents' house with my mom, dad, and sisters.

It was really nice to see them again, and to get caught up.

Our lives all get super busy once September rolls around, and it's hard to stay in touch.

Despite that, we are a really tight-knit family.

The Hawks beat the Sabres 6-2 last night, and it was a really fun game to play in.

I managed to score a goal, and the Hawks were generally playing really well.

After the game, we made the quick flight home to Chicago, and we got in at about two in the morning.

I made my way back to the apartment from the airport, and headed straight to bed once I got home.

Abby was obviously sleeping, so I simply crawled in and wrapped my arms around her when I got home.

It's now 2:30 in the afternoon, and Abby and I have decided to go skating at Millennium Park.

Abigail worked this morning for a few hours, but has come home in time for our afternoon in the city.

There is a fairly large rink there during the winter, and it's super popular to go skating on.

I know Saader and Alyssa went this past weekend, and they said they had a blast.

Right then, I notice Abigail walk down the stairs and onto the main floor, smiling over at me.

She's wearing a pair of black leggings, high fuzzy socks, a grey sweatshirt, and a grey beanie.

Her hair is naturally straight and down.

It flows out of her beanie, and she looks adorable.

"Hey Pat." She smiles, walking over to me.

"Hey you. You ready to go?" I ask, taking her hand.

She smiles up at me, blushing.

"You bet." She laughs, slipping on a pair of grey Uggs.

I grab the black bag that is sitting by the doorway, which has both my skates and her skates in it.

We are probably going to need those, since we are going skating.

I slip on my shoes, and Abby puts on her long, dark parka-jacket, which has fluff lining the hood.

With that, the two of us make our way down eighty-four floors through the elevator, and into the main lobby of Trump Tower.

Walking through the lobby and exiting the building, we emerge onto the streets of Downtown Chicago.

It's a Thursday afternoon, so the streets aren't super busy or crowded.

A few people walk on the main streets of Downtown, but nothing too bad.

The crisp air greets my lungs as Abby and I begin the short walk to Millennium Park.

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