Chapter 62: A Real Beauty

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My eyelids flutter open, and Patrick's arms are wrapped tightly around my waist.

My hands are resting over top of his, and I can feel the rising and falling of his chest against my back, since his body is pressed tightly to mine.

I smile, as my eyes move towards the window of the bedroom.

I sigh happily, my eyes falling upon the beautiful Chicago skyline, just outside the window.

The presence of that skyline is like an anti-depressant.

And waking up to it every single morning is one of the best things in the world.

My eyes move to the wall right by the window, and I see one of Patrick and my's wedding photographs framed on the wall.

I smile, looking down at his arms wrapped around my waist, just below my baby bump that is noticeable from under the bed sheet.

My baby bump that now protrudes my belly quite significantly.

My baby bump that is now entirely noticeable, but still relatively small.

I smile, closing my eyes and allowing the sunlight streaming through the window to engulf me entirely.

I look down, and see that the bed sheet is wrapped tightly around my bare body, similar to the way a strapless dress fits.

It's Friday, March 31, about 10:00 in the morning.

Last night, Patrick and I had sex for the first time since December.

Yeah, I know.

It's been a while.

The only reason that it's been this long is because I am pregnant.

Being pregnant is a weird thing.

My emotions have been through the roof, and they come in surges.

Sometimes I feel so much, and sometimes I feel nothing at all.

And I'm not sure what's worse; drowning beneath the waves or dying from the thirst.

As for my sex drive while I've been pregnant...

Not too great, obviously.

I don't know what it is, but I haven't been "in the mood" for a while.

But last night, I was.

Last night, I so desperately was in the mood, it was weird.

Patrick and I had dinner in Downtown, and then when we came home, he made love to me for the first time in too long.

He was excited when I told him I was ready to have sex.

He's been waiting a long time for it, and he has been extremely patient.

And for that, I am thankful.

I close my eyes, simply listening to the sound of Patrick breathing beside me.

It's soothing, really.

The sound of his heart beating, the noises he makes while he's sleeping, the way his face looks when he's floating through the world of dreams... they are all so intriguing.

I think it's because those sounds or how he looks when he's sleeping, are so natural.

He's not doing anything, but living.

And for some reason, him simply living is when he's most vulnerable and the most innocent.

It's when he's the most simple.

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