Chapter 21: Diamond Light

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"Oh Abigail, you look stunning." Erica shakes her head, placing a hand over her mouth.

I smile down at my feet.

The white dress flows from my waist down, and above that, it is the perfect fit around my abdomen, and chest.

My breasts are the perfect size to be able to keep the dress up, as it is strapless.

It has silver, diamond-encrusted (not real diamonds, of course) patterns around the breasts, and a beautiful simple, silver belt around my waist.

The dress flows all the way down to the ground, and it feels right.

It's Friday, July 29, about 1:00 in the afternoon.

I, am dress shopping with a few of my closest girlfriends, and my mother.

The wedding, has already been scheduled.

Patrick and I didn't want to wait very long at all.

We didn't even have to talk about it, to be honest.

We both just knew that we wanted the wedding soon.

We didn't want to wait.

The wedding is scheduled for Saturday, August 20, of this year.

That's in just over three weeks.

The next few weeks are going to be stressful as hell, because of how fast things are happening.

But, it's almost like the good kind of stress.

The exciting kind.

I'm nervous, but I'm excited to marry that boy.

Most people know about Patrick and I, by now.

He proposed just over ten days ago.

The morning after he proposed and made love to me once again, was when we started telling people about our engagement.

The first people we told were Patrick's family, but they already knew he was planning on proposing.

It was just exciting to tell them that I had actually said yes.

Next, we called up my parents, and broke the news to them.

I heard my mom crying on the other line with tears of joy, of course.

My parents were both overwhelmed with happiness, and it was a precious thing to hear.

Through the phase of my life when my parents were separated, all my mother would tell me was to "not make your parents' mistakes".

I had no idea what she meant, because I didn't know what their mistakes were.

Obviously, I knew there were some large problems, but I didn't know what they were.

And to be honest, I still don't.

But Patrick and I have promised to not make their mistakes, despite not knowing what they are.

My mom says that Patrick and I will figure out what their mistakes were, further into our marriage.

She also says that we will know how to avoid them.

I fully trust her.

Patrick told a few of the guys on the team, and I, of course, told Chaunette.

Natalie and I have grown insanely close lately, and so I told her as well.

Jonathan doesn't know yet.

Patrick is planning on telling him in person, in the next couple days.

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