Chapter 76: Hazy Voices & Clear Minds

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I roll over, groaning as I do so.

I blink a few times, and light streams through the curtains in the bedroom.

I sigh, rubbing my eyes and yawning.

I glance at the clock on the night table, and it reads 9:30 in the morning.

I didn't sleep well last night.

I drifted in and out of a rough and uneasy sleep, and I feel like absolute shit right now.

It's Sunday, August 27, and I am lying in the bed of a guest room that is not in the apartment.

It's in a different apartment.


Last night, Abby and I got in a fight at dinner.

Honestly, when she first stormed out, I was so confused, but then I realized that she was upset about how the waitress was treating her, and how she was flirting with me.

I didn't even think too much about it, to be honest, but after having a night to think about it, I was totally oblivious to the situation.

I was being absolutely stupid.

Right before she took the keys and drove back to the apartment for the evening, she told me to find my own place to stay for the night, hence the reason I'm at Jonny's apartment.

I had no where else to go, really.

Plus, Jonny's place is within walking distance from Georgio's.

I explained to Jonny the entire situation, and we talked about it for a while, each of us with a beer.

He listened, and of course, he allowed me to crash here for the night.


Jonathan didn't even really say anything... he just let me talk and vent all of my feelings.

Eventually, I ended up getting off topic from what had happened last night, and started ranting about how anxious I am for Abby's c-section, and how fast it's coming, and he was just able to calm me down.

And I am forever thankful for that.

I sigh, glancing at my cell phone as it rests on the night table.

I grab it, and press the home button, checking for any messages or calls.


Jonny suggested last night that I call Abby and just apologize to her, even if she doesn't answer the phone.

And so, I did.

I called the apartment and left a voice message, and I know that she was just ignoring me.

But I'm certain she heard it.

And I'm pretty sure that's a good thing.

I set my phone down, groaning once again.

I run a hand through my curls, glancing out the large window in the guest bedroom.

The Chicago River lies just below me, and a few boats move up and down the river, peacefully.

It's sunny and hot, and the morning is just beginning in The Windy City.

The river glows a brilliant shade of blue, and I burry my head in my hands as I watch the activity within Downtown for a few moments.

After a while, I decide to get up and check to see if Jonny's awake.

I open the door to the guest room, and I can immediately smell eggs and bacon coming from the kitchen.

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