Chapter 10: Dark Rain & Deep Pain

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"Alright boys, one more lap around, and then feel free to shoot as you wish for a few minutes before practice ends." Coach Q announces, blowing his whistle.

A few of the guys nod, and begin slowly skating around the open rink.

It's Wednesday, July 6, about 5:30 in the evening.

Coach Q held an optional hour-long practice for those of the Blackhawks that wanted to participate, this afternoon.

Coach Q always does this, at the beginning of every summer.

He hosts usually just one practice in the first week of July, and then the rest of the summer, there is hardly any hockey.

Typically, these practices are not intense at all; they are simply just "fun" practices that any of the Hawks can attend.

To be honest, there isn't really a point to these practices.

They are optional, and not that many guys show up.

It's summer, and the guys want time off.

However, I usually like to show up, just so I can get back on the ice one more time before I really get into summer.

These practices are much more for enjoyment than anything else.

There are about ten guys here today, so the United Center, and its ice are almost completely empty.

I finish my quick lap, and take a few shots from the right circle.

I do one more lap around the rink, admiring the building.

I won't be back here full-time until the end of August.

This building holds so many memories.

I've won a couple cups in this building, and that is a feeling that can't be compared.

I make my way through the tunnel and into the locker room, where I sit down at my stall and begin to take off my equipment.

The locker room sure is quiet without Shawzy here.

Jonathan sits across from me, taking off his equipment one-by-one.

Of course Captain Serious is here.

Where else would he be?

"I wasn't surprised when you showed up." I laugh, looking across at Jonathan.

He looks up, a small smile on his face, his mouth partly open.

"What did you expect?" He laughs.

I roll my eyes, as I take off my skates.

Coach Q then walks into the locker room, and begins his last speech.

"I'm extremely proud of what this team has accomplished this year. Good practice today boys, and enjoy your summers. Catch up on some family time, and relax. Also, enjoy your days with the Cup!" Coach Q says, nodding.

With that, he leaves the locker room.

All of us guys hit the showers, and then finish changing back into our regular clothes for the evening.

"Any of you guys up for going for a few drinks? I'm buying." Duncan Keith says, as he puts on his shirt.

"Yeah, that sounds sweet. I'll come!" Saader says.

"Sounds sweet." Corey Crawford agrees.

A few of the other guys such as Sharpie, Seabs, Kris Versteeg, and Bryan Bickell all agree to go for drinks, one last time.

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