Chapter 31: The Unity of Souls

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The bridal music starts playing from the organ.

It's the organ notes that they always play whenever the bride begins her walk down the aisle.

My heart is pounding in my ears, and I can feel my knees growing shaky.

There are a few steps leading up to the main "stage" area, where I stand, arms down, and my right hand clutches onto my left wrist.

My groomsmen, stand to my left, all in the same stance as myself.

The wedding officiant, Rick, stands just behind me.

Abigail's bridesmaids, stand to my right, all holding a bouquet of flowers with both their hands, with the exception of Erica.

Abigail's bouquet will be passed to Erica once she makes her way down the aisle.

All of the guests are standing, their attention towards the large wooden doors at the end of the hall.

Right then, the doors are swung open slowly, and way at the end of the hall, my eyes meet with Abigail, being escorted by her dad, Ben.

I lose my breath.

She's somewhat far from me, but even from here, I can tell how truly beautiful she looks.

Elegantly, and ever so beautifully, Abby and Ben begin to make their way down the aisle, Abigail holding a bouquet of flowers in one hand, the other clutching onto her dad's arm.

The organ is loud, but I can hardly hear anything.

Abigail's dress is stunning.

I wasn't allowed to see it, up until this moment.

It hugs her body, perfectly.

I can feel tears burning in the back of my eyes.

She's mine.

Abigail is my girl, and my emotions are beginning to take over as I comprehend that thought.

She continues strolling down the aisle, her veil pushed back over her head so that it isn't covering her face.

I can feel the longing in the pit of my stomach growing.

She grows closer with each step, and I swear to God I grow more and more in love with her, as she does so.

Her eyes are locked with mine, and she has a small smile on her face.

Her makeup is done perfectly, and her hair is styled beautifully.

I can't describe this.

I'm speechless.

She's really mine.

Abigail truly glows as she makes her way down the aisle.

Her smile is brilliant, and she's glimmering like a star.

She's my star.

In a dark sky, Abigail is my star.

The tears begin to push at my eyes, harder.

As she moves closer, I notice that her eyes are glossy as well.

One hot tear falls from my eye suddenly, and I quickly wipe it away, carefully.

She smiles at me, tilting her head, and a tear in her eye glistens as it catches the light.

Before I know it, Abigail has made her way all the way down the aisle, to the point where she is standing right in line with the first row of pews.

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