Chapter 9: Midnight Lovers

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It is one of those days that you could describe as perfect.

One of those days where the lake is calm, the breeze is almost non-existent, the sun is high, and the sky is clear.

The weather and the world seem to be at one with each other, causing no kind of contradictories.

It's Monday, July 4.

As always, Patrick Sharp is holding a traditional party out at his lake house for Independence Day.

Patrick and I always laugh about how the Blackhawks all get together to celebrate Independence Day when majority of the team is NOT American, but it doesn't matter.

It's basically just used as a day where everyone can get back together again, and re-connect.

It's about 6:00 in the evening, and Patrick and I are minutes away from reaching the lake house.

The party tonight is to start at 6:00, so we are just barely in time.

I sit in the passenger seat, and Patrick drives.

He has one hand on the steering wheel, the other hanging casually out of his open window.

He's wearing a backwards flat-brim hat, and sunglasses.

As we travel along the straight gravel road out towards Sharpie's lake house, I can tell he's not fully concentrated on driving.

His mind is wandering everywhere, his thoughts escaping reality.

And despite not even knowing what he's thinking about, or what his emotions are making him feel, I'm certain in one thing; that I'm in love with them.

No matter what he's thinking about or feeling, I know I'm in love with whatever it may be.

Because I love him.

More than I could ever love myself, or anyone, for that matter.

I love watching him as his thoughts wander, because there is just something so fascinating about his mind.

Before I know it, the two of us have arrived at the lake house, and Patrick parks at the end of the large driveway.

There are already multiple cars here, so obviously a few of the other guests have arrived.

Patrick takes the keys out of the ignition, and then looks to his right over at me.

"Natalie's going to be here tonight." Patrick says, his blue eyes shining.


I swallow.

"You're going to be fine, Pat. We're going to be fine. I know you're anxious, but just don't sweat it." I say, smiling.

He nods.

"Got it?" I ask, laughing.

"Got it." He nods, before getting out of the car.

He grabs the beer cases from the trunk, and then the two of us walk towards the entrance of the backyard.

"Still bringing the extra booze, I see?" I ask, laughing.

He throws his arm around my waist, loosely.

"Obviously." He winks, looking down at me.

I roll my eyes, playfully.

Patrick and I make our way into the backyard, and the view is priceless.

The calm lake beyond us, the gorgeous green backyard, people chatting and talking with one another, the sun beginning to set; everything is perfect.

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