Chapter 42: The Unknown

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I roll over, feeling Abby in my arms as I do so.

I crack open my eyelids, which are feeling heavy and tired after last night's game, and then being up late after that.

The winter sun streams through the open curtains in our bedroom brightly, partially blinding me.

I blink a few times, clearing my vision.

I look down, and see Abigail nestled tightly into my chest, her light brown hair framing her face beautifully, despite being slightly tangled.

The bed sheet is wrapped tightly around her bare chest, similar to the way a strapless dress fits.

I press my lips against the top of her head gently.

She stirs slightly in her sleep, a small smile on her face.

I lie with her, and she wraps her arms around my bare back.

It's Saturday, November 19, about 10:00 in the morning.

It's my twenty-eighth birthday today.

The Blackhawks have the day off, and so Abigail and I have already decided that we're going to spend the day together.

I have no idea what she has planned, but she's been talking about today for over a week now.

Last night, the Blackhawks played the Washington Capitals at the United Center, and won 5-1.

It was an amazing game, and I even scored two goals.

Well, three, if you include what I did when I got home after the game.

After the game last night, Abigail and I came home, and had sex before heading to bed.

It was late, but both of us were just in the mood.

With everything being so busy, and with all the road trips this season, we haven't been able to have nearly as much sex as we were having in the summer.

Last night was pretty sick, I'm not going to lie.

Abigail is so beautiful, and her sex gives me so much pleasure, I can't even explain.

I look out the window, noticing the skyline that lies just beyond it.

It's basically winter in Chicago.

There is snow on the ground, and the temperature is pretty cold now.

The sweet summer days as well as the crisp autumn evenings have come and gone.

Winter has hit, and it has hit hard.

It's been gloomy the past few days, but there is not a single cloud in the sky today.

The sun shines brightly through the open curtains in our room.

My eyes move to the large wall beside the window, and to the large, framed photograph that is hung up on the wall.

One of Abigail and I's many wedding photos.

That particular photograph is one of the many that we took outside the wedding hall, right after we were married.

It's one where we are both looking at the camera smiling.

There are multiple of our wedding photos throughout the apartment.

Both of our personal favorites, which is the photograph that was taken during our slow dance, is framed and hung up downstairs.

Jennifer did an amazing job taking our wedding photos.

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