Chapter 59: State of Mind

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"Ah, it feels good to be back in Chitown." Jonathan sighs, as we exit the airplane and walk through the boarding gate back into the Chicago airport.

I smile, swinging my backpack over my shoulder.

"I agree, Jonny." I laugh, as Jonathan and I walk beside each other through the airplane departure gate.

It's Saturday, March 11, about 5:00 in the evening.

The Blackhawks have just arrived home from a fairly long road trip.

And damn, does it ever feel good to be back in Chicago.

The boys and I are all exhausted, as we played a long and hard game last night against the Dallas Stars.

Thankfully, we pulled off a win.

"Hey fuckers!" Shawzy yells, as he puts an arm around Jonny and his other arm around my shoulders.

"Hey Shawzy." Jonathan laughs, shaking his head.

We head through the departure gate, and take our first few steps in the Chicago airport.

"How the fuck do you have so much energy all the time, man?" I ask, shaking my head.

Shawzy laughs, loudly.

"I'm just young." He shrugs, before running over like the child that he is to bug Duncs and Seabs in front of us.

Jonathan sighs, laughing.

"And we're not young anymore?" Jonathan asks, looking over at me.

I laugh, rolling my eyes.

"We totally are. Shawzy's just a little shit." I laugh, shaking my head.

Jonathan laughs, smiling down at the ground.

"Are you doing anything tonight?" I ask, looking over at Jonathan.

"I don't think so. I'm going to try and get to bed early." Jonathan shrugs.

"You're welcome to come over for dinner at the apartment tonight, if you want." I shrug.

Jonathan smiles.

"Thanks Kaner, but I'm alright. I'm exhausted, plus I don't want to intrude on you and Abby. And the little one that she's carrying." Jonathan laughs, looking over to me.

"Alright, Jonny. You're always welcome to the apartment though. I hope you know that." I say, quietly.

"Thanks Kaner." He says, smiling.

For the next few minutes, the team walks together towards the main entrance to the underground parking lots, where all of our vehicles are parked.

We reach the underground parking lot, and each go our separate ways to our cars.

I say goodbye to a few of the guys around me, and then head towards my car.

I get in, turning on the engine, and allowing the car to heat up for a few moments.

It's mid-March in The Windy City, and the temperature is starting to increase gradually, but it's still fairly cold.

There is also still a ton of snow on the ground.

After a few minutes, I back out of my parking spot, and begin the drive back to Trump Tower.


"Abby!" I call into the open apartment, as I close the door behind me.

Smiling, I hear a few footsteps coming from upstairs.

I take off my shoes and jacket, heading further into the apartment.

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