Chapter 41: Free Falling

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"YES HAWKS YES!" I scream, throwing my hands up in the air.

"CHELSEA, CHELSEA, I MOTHERFUCKING BELIEVE." Chaunette screams, from beside me.

I glance over to her and smile, as we both continue to cheer.

We cheer amongst the endless crowd, celebrating a Blackhawks victory.

It's Saturday, October 22, about 11:00 in the evening.

The Chicago Blackhawks have just beat the Philadelphia Flyers, 3-2 in overtime.

The OT winner was scored by Patrick Kane, and the crowd went crazy at this.

Chaunette and I dance together to Chelsea Dagger, giggling and cheering loudly.

The Blackhawks salute the fans from down at center ice, before filing back through the tunnel and into the locker rooms.

After a few minutes, Chaunette and I make our way up from our seats in our section, to the concourse.

We reach the busy concourse, and the two of us stick together, as the crowds rush through the building, loudly and passionately.

Everyone is pumped about the win, including me.

Pat's goal was absolutely incredible.

It was a backhander, from an impossible angle.

I don't know how he does it.

He's incredible.

He's a God on the ice, and there are no two ways about that.

"So are you excited for tonight?" Chaunette asks, as we stand near the side of the concourse.

"Obviously. It's going to be sweet!" I laugh.

Tonight, the Blackhawks are having a Halloween party at a bar in Downtown.

The entire team is coming, as well as their wives or girlfriends.

The Hawks Halloween party is traditional each year, and this year, it's going to be sweet.

It's a costume-party as well, so you have to dress up.

It's always hilarious to see everyone's costume ideas.

NHL players take Halloween so seriously.

"What are you going as?" Chaunette asks, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"It's a surprise." I wink, giggling.

Chaunette laughs, shaking her head.

Chaunette and I both drove separately to the game tonight, because we knew that after the game each of us were going to have to go home to get ready for the party before heading out.

Therefore, we needed to take different vehicles.

I'm meeting Patrick at the apartment once he is done showering and changing, where the two of us will get ready before heading to the party together.

"You ready to head out?" Chaunette asks, as she zips up her jacket over top of her Shaw jersey.

I nod, smiling.

With that, the two of us make our way through the concourse, and out of the UC.

The crowds are still hanging around outside, all cheering excitedly.

The cold fall air greets me, and Chaunette and I quickly make our way to the parking lot.

After about five minutes, we reach our cars, and get in our own vehicles.

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