Chapter 75: Crashing Constellations

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I groan as I bend over to try and do the backs up on my wedges, but I can't even see my feet.

I sit down on the stool by the door in the entrance of the apartment, sighing as I do so.

"Need some help?" Pat asks, laughing as he walks over to me.

I roll my eyes, sighing.

"Yes please." I say, sitting back and exhaling deeply.

Laughing, he kneels down and quickly does the strap up on the back of my nude colored wedges.

"There you go." Pat says, standing up and looking down at me.

I get up, kissing him on the cheek gently.

"Thank-you." I say, smiling.

"No problem," He says, taking my hand.

"I don't want you to fall." Pat says, laughing as he intertwines his fingers with mine.

I smile, looking down at the ground.

For some reason, this sentence means so much more than just the literal aspect: "I don't want you to fall."

I'm a pretty poetic person, so I take everything as if it is a metaphor.

And, "I don't want you to fall." has much deeper meaning than just what it literally says.

I like it.

It's Saturday, August 26, about 6:30 in the evening.

Pat and I are in the last steps of getting ready for our dinner out tonight at a fairly casual pizza place in Downtown.


We have been to Georgio's countless times over the years that we have been dating, and I know that it has significant meaning to Patrick, since it was his and Ally's favorite place to eat in the entire city.

This past week, has been exhausting.

I'm now just over two weeks from my delivery date, and the reality of the situation is beginning to hit me.

I'm freaking out for the c-section.

I've generally heard that they aren't that bad, but God, there are so many things that can go wrong.

It's freaky.

I know that Pat is nervous as well, and the date is getting closer with each passing moment.

We are both extremely excited, but anxious at the same time.

Being in Buffalo for two weeks this summer was really, really good.

My mind has been on the whole "pregnancy" thing so much the past few months, that being with Patrick's sisters and his parents really helped me to get my mind off of things.

I only felt sick on a few days during the trip, and being at Pat's lakehouse in Buffalo was wonderful.

I've missed that place so much.

I spent a lot of time with Erica, Jessica, and Jackie, as well as Donna, which was really good for me, I think.

Apparently girl-bonding time during pregnancy is important?

That's what Dr. Nolan told me, at least.

When Pat and I got back from Buffalo, we had the baby shower, which was really good.

And then about a week ago, Pat and I had our anniversary dinner which went extremely well.

This past week, I have been sleeping, hanging out with my mom, sleeping, hanging out with Chaunette, sleeping, and well, sleeping.

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