Chapter 20

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I haven't seen Michael since we were at the radio station a week ago. I haven't stepped one foot out of Michael's house. I knew I couldn't stand seeing one person I knew at all, I knew I'd crumble if I did. I haven't gone to school, I've just stared mindlessly out the guest room window. 

Michael hasn't been here all week knowing I would be here, he's ignored me, kept his distance, stayed away for a good reason, and the good reason being me. Michael and his band were supposed to leave 3 days ago to continue their European tour but all of their flights have been cancelled. 

I want to talk to him, but I'm really not sure how. I know he doesn't want to talk to me so I really don't want to push it. I get up from the bed and walk over to bathroom in hopes of actually taking a shower since I really haven't had one in a while. 

Whenever I'm in the shower it helps me think, but I'm not really much for thinking today. All I've done all week is break down in a puddle of tears every two seconds. Once I get undressed my phone vibrates and I look down to my small hands.

From: Cal😜

We're leaving today, it's final. 

I almost choke while I read his words, I shut off my phone and flip it over on the opposite side so I don't read any more messages. I feel a stream of tears trail down my face as I fall back on the wall and slide down. I put my face into my hands and let out a cry for anyone to hear. By anyone I mean Michael, I want Michael to be here with me now spending every last minute with me but he doesn't want me, he hates me.

I almost don't care that he hates me because deep down I know he still loves me, he has to. I pick myself up quickly and hurry into the shower without a thought. Once I'm done I grab the shirt Michael gave me and throw on a pair of ripped skinny jeans along with my faux leather jacket. I put on a pair of combat boots and grab my skateboard, once I walk out the front door my phone vibrates.

From: Cal😜

We'll be arriving at gate 103 in twenty, so hurry up and get your ass here

I laugh at his text and quickly text him I'll be there, but I don't exactly live near the airport so I ride down the street to Cameron's House. Once I arrive I walk up vastly to the door and start knocking loudly hoping to wake his lazy ass up.

"Cam! Cameron! Wake up!" I say repeatedly until a man opens the door, a rather attractive one.

"Woah what the hell? why are you banging down our door?" He asks sleepily as my eyes wonder to his bare chest.

"Um a I'm looking for Cameron? Do you know where he is?" I ask as he nods with a smile.

"Yeah I know where he is" he paused before Turing around. "Babe! This girl is here to see you! You better not be cheating on me" he laughed as I froze.

"Wait what?" I asked as Cameron showed up in a bare chest too. "Cameron, wait? You and him and I'm so confused...I thought you were straight?" I dazed as he nodded.

"Well I was but then this happened" he said motioning between them as I nodded still not certain.

"Okay well I need you, or both of you. Someone needs to drive me to the airport right now" I said as they both nodded.

"But I really don't want to go" Cameron whined as I rolled my eyes.

"I have Swiss rolls" I said pulling them out of my side bag.

"Fine" I said grabbing the whole box and throwing on a shirt.

"Can I have some" the other whined as Cameron ripped it out of his grasp.

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