Chapter 3

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Dedicated to: band_lovers3645_sos_4_life, and michaels-kitten for reading, voting and commenting! 

-ily xx

I groan at the sunlight that just magically hit my eyes. I hate how when I spend the night at Michael's he always makes an effort to get up early and open the curtains because he knows I hate it. I get up still not opening my eyes as I walk towards the widow but I trip over something.

Ugh Michael. 

I land on his body as he groans, "Chrissy ugh why do you have to be so fat, you're crushing me" he said as I just sat on his stomach. 

"You're the one who fed me pizza last night" I chuckle lightly poking his face to wake him up. 

"It's not gonna work" he sung with his eyes closed, I saw a dirty sock in the coroner of my eyes and I grabbed it stuffing it in his face. 

"Oh my god!" He said as I screamed and ran. "Ugh this smells!" He says still on the floor I let out a chuckle. 

"It's your sock Clifford!" I say as he runs after me, I can hear his footsteps treading behind me. 

"You're gonna pay Chrissy!" He says as I feel his arms wrap around my waist and pick me up off the ground. I let out a little shriek as he dropped me onto the couch and staddled my waist. 

"Ugh I swear Clifford you're fatter than me" I groan with a light chuckle as he starts to tickle at my sides. 

"I am beautifully flablulous" he laughed as he struggled for air. 

"Stop tickling me!" I chuckle shoving him off of me making him land on the floor. 

"Okay, okay" he says getting up and checking the time "shit! It's 10:02 were an hour late for school!" He says as I giggle. 

"We can just skip, it's Friday, and since when did you care so much about school?" I chuckle as he compels himself. 

"I don't, I just don't want your parents thinking bad of me, I hate how they said those things about me to you. They should value you decisions with who you hang out with" he says hugging me, I rest my head onto his chest and just sit there. 

"You don't need to worry about them okay? I don't think bad of you and that should be enough Mikey" I whisper as he holds me closer and kisses the top of my head. 

"I know" he pauses placing his hands on my shoulders and pushing me away. "Now since we have no plans for the rest of today, how about we just hang out by the beach and just chill" he says, that sounds amazing, just chilling with my best friend. 

"Yeah that would be great" I say going up the stairs and grabbing a few things out of my duffel. I quickly step into the bathroom and start to put on my bikini. 

Michael's Pov:

Crystal races up the stairs, I walk into the kitchen and see that there's a note on the counter. 

Made you some toast, now impress Crystal, I know you like her..


Ugh if Crystal saw this she'd make fun of me, I hate to admit it but I've had a crush on her for so long. I would never admit my feelings though, I just like the way how she's comfortable around me and doesn't care what she looks like. I would just hate to ruin that. 

I run upstairs, I grab a few things and race to the bathroom. Once I open the door I find Crystal putting on her bikini. I swear God has blessed me...

"Oh thank god, can you tie this for me" she says handing me the strings to the top of her bikini. I couldn't stop gawking at her, she looks so sexy, I just want to feel her body pressed against mine. 

"Done" I say as she turns around and gives me a big smile. I finally get a full look at her bikini, it has a black top, that makes her boobs look ugh don't get me started, and some kind of chevron pattern as the bottoms . 

"Do you need to get in?" She asks as I nod looking at my clothes, she steps out of the way and walks back to my room. 

I shut the door and start literally freaking out, I brush my teeth a million times, I attempt to make hot faces in the mirror but I fail completely, I ruffle my hair, I put on some deodorant and cologne, ugh why am I trying so hard? 

I walk out of the bathroom as she just walked out of my room, she had on one of my shirts, my shirts. I feel like I am going to pass out, she looks so hot, I hope she doesn't see my boner. Fuck if she sees my boner I am literally going to-

"Someone looks cute today, is there some girl you're trying to impress?" She pushes as I blush so bad. 

"What's her name?" She says raising an eyebrow. 

"Um her name is Crys- I mean Christine" I cover up, damn that was close. 

"Aww!" She says hugging me. "You're gonna ask her out and then forget about me" she pouts as I chuckle. 

"No, I will never forget about you, and besides girls are overrated, you're the only girl for me Chrissy" I say sweetly, I wish she'd get a clue. 

"You're the only guy for me too Mikey" she said leading me down the stairs, and out the front door. I am in love with this girl, I just wish she'd notice...


Hope you liked it! 

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