Chapter 9

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When you finally realize you've spent your whole life caring for someone who could care less, it hurts. Michael Clifford never cared, he just felt bad for me, that's why he let me in. I don't know why I actually thought that he loved me, he never meant the words he said, I figured they were just out of pity. 

As I looked into Michael's greyish green eyes and waited for an answer all I could feel was regret. Regret for liking him, regret for saying yes, regret for not pushing him away when he kissed me. All I want now is to forget about Michael Clifford, but could it really be that easy?

"Chrissy I..." He trailed off, I felt my heart pounding, do I really mean that much to him?or not enough?

"Why can't we just keep it a secret" he says taking my hands and then scratching the back of his neck. 

"Michael, if I do recall correctly, you said all you wanted to do was to show me off to the world and tell everyone I was yours, but now you don't?" I'm so confused, what is he trying to say?

"It's not that I don' Crystal I can't really see this happening if it's not a secret, I'm sorry" he said that too simply for my liking, like he didn't even care. 

"So that's it huh? You're just gonna sit there like everything is still okay? Well it's not! You think you can just treat me like dirt Clifford! Because you're wrong!" I yelled as his face changed, he cringed at my raised voice. 

"It's over Crystal! Get over it! You want to know the truth huh? Well yeah...I never cared about you okay! I just thought you were the girl no one wanted to hang around, yeah I pitied you! I was dared to be your friend!" Now the truth comes out, now I know. 

"You know what I don't even care Michael! People like me, hate people like you!" I scream with tears rolling down my face, I started to walk away from him. 

"What the hell are you talking about Crystal?!" He yelled grabbing my wrist. 

"People like me, meaning the girl who everyone dislikes and everyone cares less for Hate people like you, meaning the populars, the jocks, princesses, trophy wives, the cool guy with the galaxy hair color that every girl moons over, I hate you specifically Michael Clifford!" I said ripping his hand off of me, I feel empowered, I feel strong, I feel sorry for Michael. 

I didn't dare to look back at him, it would only make me want to be in his arms again. Just then when I look up from staring at my feet, I find him standing in front of me. 

"Crystal, there is not one day that when by when I didn't wish you couldn't be mine. You are too good for me in every single way, this moment proves it. I'm a self righteous douche bag that could care less about the person he loves standing right in front of him. Crystal, I can't give you everything you want but myself, somehow I know that it isn't enough but it's all I have, please forgive me?" Are you kidding? All I wanted to say was that I wanted to forgive him, but I guess all I want now is my best friend.

"Maybe I shouldn't have ever went to the ice cream shop that day" I whispered, a tear trailed it's way down my cheek and fell to the ground. Michael doesn't deserve to be told this, but it's the truth, sometimes I wished I didn't go exploring that day. 

"What do you mean?" He said quietly looking up from the ground. His grey green eyes rested on my hazel ones and I felt my heart beat a mile a minute. 

"If you wouldn't have ever met me, you'd be better off" I said quietly as he stepped forward and pulled me into his arms. I started into sob into his chest, I felt like everything inside of me just spilled out. 

"Crystal, I'm better off knowing you than not, I'd be fucking screwed if I hadn't met you" he said making me laugh. 

"I forgive you" well at least not yet. "But I don't think we should be friends-" I said as he cupped my cheeks and kissed me. I felt a surge of energy push though me, I feel like I'm connected to Michael somehow. I really can't put my finger on it. 

I tangle my fingers into his hair as our tongues battle for dominance. I feel his hands travel up and down my body and I feel a thousand butterflies escape from my stomach. He broke the kiss and just stared into my eyes. 

"I just can't be friends with you either, I don't give a shit what your parents did, I love you" he said as I shook my head and I felt my heart break.

"Don't say that to me, you will never love me as much as I love you" I pause looking at the ground. "I think we should just stay friends, it's better that way" I whisper as he intertwines his fingers with mine. 

"I don't think I'll ever treat you the same way knowing that I've seen you naked" he snickered as I punched his shoulder. "Fine, if it's what you want I'm okay with it, I've waited for you this long what's a little longer gonna hurt" he said stepping closer to me, my breath hitched as he cupped my cheeks again and kissed me slowly as I put my hand on his chest. 

"What are you doing?" I questioned raising an eyebrow. 

"making sure you are sure about your decision" he said kissing me again, he bit down on my lip and I let out a moan as he chuckled. "Are you sure?" He smiled as I pushed him away lightly. 

"Yes I'm sure" I smiled rolling my eyes. 

"I guess friends don't make out and hold hands" he said awkwardly as I laughed.

"No, Mikey they don't" I giggled. 

This is going to be one strange experience, friends with Michael Clifford. Again...

// does Michael feel about this? Find out in the next update!

Hope you liked it!

New update soon!

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