Chapter 2

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A/N: this is to WhisperOfFaithAshtonsponyshirt, band_lovers364, and twentyonepotatos 

-ily xx

I walk into detention after school, not to mention I am 5 minutes late. I rush to an empty desk before Mr. Morgan gets here, I trip over someone's foot making me face plant. I hear fits of laughter from the only person in detention besides me, Calum Hood. 

Calum and I used to be friends and we went on one date, and he ruined it. But this was before highschool, before the big ego, looks, everything. The Calum I knew then was a completely different person then the Calum I know now. 

"Aww, does Crystal need a hand? Well that's what you get for punching my girlfriend" Calum spat as I groan getting up off the floor. 

"Shut the fuck up Hood, you know good and well she's probably sleeping with Luke and the rest of the Westminster male student body" I roll my eyes with an evil chuckle. 

"You're seriously gonna get it Bleakley!-" he yells as Mr. Morgan opens the door and slams it closed. 

"Alright so there's Hood, as usual how are you doing Calum" he says not looking up from to his clipboard. 

"Fine" he mumbled not looking up as he tapped on his desk. 

"And Bleakley? Hmm not what I expected, says you're here for a week, care to explain?" He looks up from his clipboard and raises and eyebrow. 

"I got tired of petty bullshit and I possibly broke someone's face" I rolled my eyes taping my fingers as the clock ticked.

"Hope you have fun with Mr. Hood here then" he said leaving the room as Calum gave me an evil grin. 

"Don't even" I say as he gets up, he seriously needs to stop getting on my nerves. 

"I'm not gonna do anything, I'm just gonna get back at Luke" he says as I stand up and lean against my desk. 

"How Hood? She practically has him wrapped around her finger" I said irritated, but at least Someone is talking to me, ha this is a first. He walks closer to me and brings himself closer to my ear. 

"This is how" he whispered and gripped my hips and kissed down my neck. I tried to push him away but I couldn't he held my hands tightly behind me. 

"Stop" I said as he groaned against my skin. 

"Come on Crystal, you know you want to" he said feeling me up, ugh this is so disgusting. I tangled my free hand into his hair and tugged slightly making him moan. "That's it" he said with a smirk. He crashed our lips together but I didn't kiss back. He brought one of his hands down and spread my legs apart and placed his fingers on my crotch and started to rub in circles. 

Calum is a pervert and potential rapist on so many levels. He thinks he's soooo hot..

I bit down hard on his lip and brought one of my knees up and kicked his balls. He groaned in pain and tried to get back at me but I punched him in the face sending him to the floor. I ran down the hallway, screw detention, I almost got raped, I'll have to explain to Mr. Hoffman tomorrow. 

I ran down the street to my studio, and luckily Cameron took over for me. I shut the door behind me and took a deep sigh, I wiped the sweat that covered my forehead. 

"Hey! Where have you-" he says but stops looking at me. "Oh my god, are you okay Crystal?" He said coming up to me and cupping my cheeks, trying to get an answer out of me. 

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