CH 27: All Over Again.

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I visited the hospital everyday, for 3 weeks. Blade was still unconsious and I was slowly losing hope. I love him, a lot. But if he loved me, why hadn't he woke up!

I parked in my favorite parking spot, and strunted in the lobby. To my surprise I saw a woman who resembled Blade was yelling at the attendant.


"Mrs. Winchester?" She turned to meet my gare.

"How do you know my name?"

"I'm Cesia, Blades'..." I coughed, "mate."

Her eyes widened and I was confused. Are you having a stroke or....? She launched on too me hugging me tighter than I've ever been hugged.

"So nice to finally meet you!" She praised, "You must be starved! Let me treat you to breakfast?" I started to refuse and she cut me off," I insist. I smiled and followed her to the elevator.

As we went up she stared at me the whole way up. I was really uncomfortable, but hey its my boyfriends mom.

I stepped into the cafeteria and was instantly nosiated. The smells mixing disturbed my stomach and I couldn't take it. I found tfit,,nearest restroom and was in a stall in five seconds.

I vomitted and couldn't stop for like 2 minutes. I sat by the toilet and grabbed my forehead. I was so lightheaded. I walked out of the bathroom and was terribly dizzy.

After we ate I felt a bit better. His mom was so funny, hilarious just like him. He had her dimples and light freckles. I smiled and she frowned, making me frown.

"You're glowing..."

"Huh?" I asked, "You're. Glowing."


"Are you pregnant?" She asked bluntly.

Uh? No? I didn't know. I didn't think I was... I was getting paranoid. Way too paranoid. I excused myself and walked to a corner store and searched for a test.

I wanted to be prepared. I didn't want to be pregnant, I wasn't ready, I almost got shot! What if my baby was there? What if Blade died and never saw his child. I snapped out if it and grabbed a test.

I went into Blades' room and smiled at him. I knew he couldn't smile back but it felt like he was. The bathroom was a tight fit, I managed to get just enough pee on the stick. I sealed it and placed it on the counter. 2 minutes, piece of cake. I couldn't be more wrong! It took all of me to not break apart from anxiety.

My phone twerped and I looked at the test. My heart sank, my blood rushed and my lips parted. "+". I started to hyperventilate. And ran to Blades' side. I shook his arm, "Blade... Blade!" I called. "Baby," I teared, "you're gonna be a father. For real this time..."

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