26. Stay with Me.

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I grabbed Blades' wound and applied immediate pressure, he was zoning in and out, my eyes were tearing and I couldn't cope with the fact I was losing him.

I heard on lookers hail for someone to call 911, but all I could think about was how I was losing my baby, I felt my heart tear into a million pieces.

It had to have been minutes before the EMTs were moving me out the way. I heard a police call my name which snapped me out of my daze.

"Are you family?" He asked.

"I'm-" I wiped a tear, and choked up, "I'm his girlfriend."

He escorted me to the ambulance where Blade was being transported and the whole ride to the hospital I stared at the ring.

It had been 3 hours since he went to surgery, and they still haven't told me anything. I was worried so I called crazy ass Kylie to the hospital.

She walked in, wearing booty shorts and a crop top. Typical.

"Is my baby daddy okay?" she joked. I didn't laugh, I didn't even smile, matter of a fact I didn't even look at her. I wasn't in the mood, "Ces, he'll be fine."

"He was shot Kylie!" I flipped out, "Its because of you! Its all your fault...if you wouldn't have gotten pregnant he wouldn't have felt like he needed to do something to make me happy!"

"I have no idea what your talking about."

I gave her a displeased look, and she just sat down.

"Cesia?" A nurse hailed. I stood up and wiped my tears. I approached her and she lead me to a room where the doctor was sitting by Blade who was still sleep.

"Cesia is it?" I nodded, "You're the Girlfriend correct?"

"I am."

"Well, Mr. Winchester is fine. He should make a full recovery." My eyes widened, "but he's in a coma."

"A coma? You call a coma fine?!"

"He could wake up at anytime. Tommorow, next week, next month, its anyone's guess."

"Anyone's guess?" I mocked, "There has to be a way to wake him up."

"Sometimes if you talk to a patient in a coma. They'll respond and wake up"

I stared at Blade, all the tubes and IVs made me tear, he was in a terrible state. The doctor stood up, patting my back and left.

I held his hand, it was warm. I couldn't stop the tears.

"Blade?" I called to his, "baby?" I called again. No response. I bended over and kissed the corner of him lips. I wiped off my lipstick and smiled. I adored the way he sleeped.


Gah damn

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