Chapter 16: Umm...

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Chatter spread throughout the halls, everyone in the (pack over 5,000 wolves), were at council. Desperate to know the fate of their soon to be Luna.

My father desperately rubbed his temples. I could tell he was frustrated, and now wasn't the time to tell him about Lothar.

"Blade," He sighed, "Handle this please..."

He got up and left. I was stunned, me? The son he hated? Represent him at council?! He had to be crazy.

"Winchesters'!" The Dean of Council shouted, "What the fuck are you guys doing over there?!"

It was strange for a council member to use fowl language, especially of her rank.

"I'm Blade Winchester, filling in for my father." I smiled at them, awkward silence, "-Well, I know you are fully aware of my Luna being kidnapped..." Everyone chatted as if I did something wrong, "Well, she's safe in a disclosed location."

"We could care less!" The wolf beside me objected with a laugh, "What we care about is the Bankhills."

I shot him a stare of death, who the fuck did he think he was?


"You can't be mad at me always!" Kylie called to me, I ignored her and kept trying to reach Blade.

He scared me how he just left me here. With her! I rolled my eyes and threw my phone screaming in frustration. I sighed and pushed a stray hair out of my face.

"Ces..." Kylie pleaded.

"Kylie..." I mimicked her tone, "Look, I'm over the Blade part, shit happens, but you're my sister..." I explained, "My little sister, and you're pregnant."

"Actually, Ces." She sighed, "I'm not," She cupped her face, "I must've read the test wrong-"

"Kylie that's grea-"

"No." She sighed, "It's not. Blade told me the baby was the only thing keep his father from *pew pew*ing me."

"I'll talk to him," I brushed the subject off.

"No..." She silently objected,"Don't tell him."

"You really want me to lie to my boyfriend?"

"He's not your boyfriend," She said, snobbily, "He's your mate. Nothing more. He doesn't love you..."

Tears started to jot down my face. Why did he get to me? Why?! Oh my goodness, why? All I wanted was to live my life. But, I can't see a life without him in it.

I didn't feel like talking, or arguing with Kylie so I left and went to the fenced in yard. A chilled air came across my face and I immediately shivered, it was freezing.

I felt my phone vibrate, and answered it in a hurry; it was Blade. My heart fluttered and my legs quivered.

"What's wrong?" He asked, concerned.

"I just wanted to know if you were okay..." I justified, knowing damn well I missed him.

"I'm fine." He bluntly said, proving he wasn't 'fine', "I'm coming that way, I'll bring you guys some food."

"Yeah," I bit my lip, "I kind of need to talk to you."

"About..." He strict tone sort of dismayed me.

"I'll explain when you come."

"Must be important... Like your desire for my- nevermind." He smiled through the phone. I rolled my eyes but deep down, I was happy he was himself.

"Whatever." I defended.

"I love you." He professed.

"What...?" I innocently asked.

"I'm serious. I don't care if you love me, but I love you. For sure."

"I-" I got choked up with tears and panicked, "I have to help Kylie with something..."

He sighed, "Alright see you in a bit."

"See you." I hung up and facepalmeded.

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