Chapter 8: F--K me Already!

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"Blade..." I moaned, we'd decided to play Grand Theft Auto on his Xbox, and no we didn't do what you think.

"After this death." He whined, I smacked my lips and crossed my arms, he said that 5 deaths ago.

His phone rang and I stared at it, 'Susana', "Answer that,"

I reached behind him to answer the vibrating phone, "Hey, Blade," The raspy voiced woman greeted, shs lightly chuckled, "Don't- don't say anything," She paused, "I'm pregnant, I'll come out and say it... I'm pregnant, a little Blade and-" I hung up and threw his phone at him.

"Cheater!" I cried, "Who's Susana! Why's she pregnant!?"

"What-" He stopped the game and rubbed his forehead, "It was a fling, Ces, that's it. We're not even dating...yet besides, I can garuntee, that babies not mine," He stared me down, "The only babies I plan to with you," He attacked my neck with kisses, "I did that, months ago,"


"Shh." He shished, "I'll prove it..."

I pushed him back and looked deep into his eyes, "Stop." I commanded, "What about initiation?"

"Nobody has to know..." He grinned.

"Can't wolves...sense, things of that sort of thing. "

"I can..." He clarified, "My parents," Blade shrugged, "but no one else. I swear."

"I'm wiling to try..." I admitted, "Not tonight, tonight I just...want to have fun."

"What?" He pretended to not hear me, "Did you say you want to have fun?"

He immediately attacked me, tickling and touching me all over. Soon he started removing my bra, and underwear. I felt vonuerable and alone, until he attacked my abdomen with his floral and drinched tongue.

"Stop." I groaned, "Condom..." I murmured, as his fingers attacked my hard and aching pearl.

"I told you no one has to know..."



Short chapter I know, kill me later -.-

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