Chapter 9: Secrets vs. Regrets

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I was drenched in sweat, he hadn't even touched me! I closed my eyes tightly and he smacked his lips.

"Do you want me to do it or not?"

"Yes!" I sighed, I sat up and grabbed my knees into my chest, "Of course I do I've want to ever since I bumped into you." I turnt my lips up and he laid back.

"It's okay," He slapped my thigh, "You're not ready anyway," He joked.

I rolled my eyes and stood up to grab my shirt he had so kindly thrown at the chair. I grabbed the hem and heard three patient knocks on the door. My heart sank, it might've been my mom. God knows she's famous for coming home at 2 am with 30 guys and a bottle of Hennessey.

I slid over and look out the peephole and Kylie's depressed face and crossed arms appeared, I swung the door open.

Face overcome with disappointment, "Where have you been?"

"At Josh's," She rolled her eyes, pushing past me but stopping when she caught a glimpse of Blade, "Why is he here?"

"He has a name," Blade played hurt, "And it's Blade." He smiled.

"Hehe," She mocked, "I don't care what your name is."

"Kylie!" I lectured.

"Ryan's outside I should go-"

"Hey was I not invited to the party?" His older brother snuck up behind me and Kylie. I shot to put on a shirt as Kylie stared Ryan down.

"Ah-" Kylie began to stutter, but she immediately snapped out of her lust, "PST. I wasn't either," She looked at me and Blade, who I was standing next too. He was laughing but I found nothing funny.

"Kylie," I hailed, "What's going to happen after you have the baby?" I crossed my arms. She wanted to be petty? I could be petty.

Her cheeks turned rosy red and her eyes dark in embarrassment. She stomped and slapped me plain across the face, "Why the fuck would you say that? In front of them."

"Go to your room!"

"If you would've let me FINISH," Kylie rolled her eyes, "I'm moving in with Josh...tonight."

Blade and I both looked at her shocked and disappointed. I took two steps towards her and with all my might I smacked her to the floor.

Ryan and Blade rushed to help her desperate ass up and I showed no mercy. Although I was melting inside.

"Get out!" I screamed, "Now!"

She collected herself and tears fell down as she pushed past Ryan.

"Imma go make sure she gets to Jake's house," He stated, Blade started to correct him, "Whatever, same difference,"

He exited my chaotic house closing the door behind him. I crossed my arms, I hated when I was angry I managed to push everyone away.


"Just fuck me and leave..." I quietly whispered, I didn't want him no see my tears.

"Is that what you think I want?" He asked frustrated.

I nodded but didn't answer and he slammed me against the wall.

"Answer me?!"

"Yes!" Tears fell, "You're no better than him!"

"Who the fuck is him?!"

My heart sank and my body became limp. I hung my head to see my feet weren't even touching the carpet. I looked him, tearful eyed, "I was raped..."

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