Chapter 6: Damn Kylie

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The car ride was long. Not by distance,Cesia just wouldn't talk to me! Even if she did, I just knew I fucked up, bad!

She just kept looking out the window, arms crossed and lips turnt to the sun. I cleared my throat as she told me to pull into the garage of a suburban house.

She unlocked the door, and I locked it back, she looked at me like I had stolen her purse or killed her, "I'm sorry," I twitched my jaw in nervousness.

"For what?" She asked, turning to me completely, "For being who you are?" I didn't know how to respond so I shrugged and bit my lip, Cesia sighed and rolled her baby brown eyes, "I'm not mad, you did nothing to me. I'm just absorbing it all."

"What if you absorb you don't want to see me again?"

She kissed my cheek and left the car. I was left itching for answers. I just pulled off and headed for council HQ.


I closed the door and slid down the back of the door. My mind was a blur and my body was static. I felt something for Blade, I truly did but I didn't think I could handle his "secret", if werewolves are real, and he is one. Isn't he supposed to kill me? Sacrifice me to the Devil? I'm down for Blade and all but not that down.

Kylie trotted down the stairs tears running down her face, I stood up alarmed and worried about her, I placed my hand firmly on her shoulder and she stopped immediately, she looked at me and my heart melted, I grabbed her tightly.

"What happened?" I questioned.

Kylie backed up and wiped her face, "Josh..."

" 'He can rot in hell'," I quoted, joking of course. She'd usually laugh back, she didn't. She stared at the ground and sighed with a strained smile.

"He won't, I definitely will," She quickly responded.


"I'm pregnant Cesia," She sighed, sweeping her hair behind her ear.

"KYLIE!?" I screamed, "Are you kidding?" I couldn't even process my life at the moment, werewolf boyfriend, pregnant sister, what's next a shirtless vampire asking for myself. I broke and slapped her as hard as I could.

The sense of complete authority and control left as soon as she dropped to the floor, "I'm sorry-"

"Kylie," I interrupted her quiet apology, "This isn't something you be sorry about, this is a lifetime responsibility."


"No." I stopped, "Now I'm as pro-choice as anyone but no I can't allow you to back out from a responsibility this serious."

She gave me a death stare and shot to her feet, "It's my fucking body!" She raged out, she pushed me out the way and left, slamming the door.

I sighed, Kylie was so stubborn, definitely got it from our mom. I slightly grinned, and wiped a stray tear. Although I didn't want to admit it, I needed Blade. Every time I was with him my life, the bad parts, disappeared.

I wonder where he is....


"At least she kissed you," Ryan said, twirling and playing with his football, "She could've booked it."

"That's the thing!" I admitted still pacing the room, "She kissed me... Kissed me. I don't know if she's crazy, if she thinks I'm crazy?!"

"You are crazy..." He corrected, he threw his football to the side and stood up, "I know I don't treat Hailey the greatest but I love her, I do. If you love Cesia, you'll let her be."

"How?!" I asked, raging, "All I think about is her. Yunno I watched 3 hours of porn? Nothing happened! Saw her face, I had a-"

"Shhh," He soothed, "I get it. I get it. It'll get better when you mate her."

"Is it gonna hurt?" I asked, "Her..."

"Hell yeah," He stated, "She's a virgin too-"

"Okay, okay." I sighed, my phone vibrated and it was- Cesia.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey," I heard Cesia, sniffle as if she'd been crying, "I need you."


"Come get me, please!" She demanded, crying harder. I hung up and rushed to get my keys.

"She's in danger!" I instructed. Ryan nodded and grabbed two pistols from the weapon box hidden under his chair.

I took one, "let's go."

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