Chapter 13: Joy Ride

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I made my way to the button that lead to the secret staircase that headed towards the cells where my trader brother and the future mother of possibly my child were kept.

I nodded at the Two guards who kept watch over the two of them. I walked up and looked through the windowed cell doors, and saw Kylie staring through a small window.

I snapped my fingers ordering the knight to open the door, my palms moist with nerves. I'm not a bad guy, I lost my cool. Or at least that's what I convinced myself. The knight stood aside opening the door for me, "Thank you. Escort yourself to the front of the building," I instructed.

Kylie turned to me, face torn up, and questioning whether I was going to hurt her or let her go. Neither of those were going to happen, at least that's not what I planned to happen.

I stood, broad, letting her know I was in complete control of the situation.

"Ky-" She waved her hand telling me to be quiet.

"Shut up," She turned to me, she murmured those words so softly, that if the sound wasn't concealed to an echo I wouldn't know what she said, "Don't- Come in here and bother me."

I cleared my, clogged with nerves, throat. I approached her and she stared up at me. She threw her palm at my face, landing in a slap.

Now, on the outside I was fine, on the inside? I wanted to leave her there, "Kylie!" I grabbed her wrist stopping her from hitting me, "I'm not going to hurt you." I soothed.

"You already did!" She broke out crying, "I was fine, yunno? Pretending that this baby wasn't yours."

"Yeah," I sighed, "Ultimately, I would want to know. And whether or not I want to admit it, this is completely my fault. Completely." I let her wrist go. She gathered herself and looked me up in my eyes with caring eyes.

"My father," I chuckled at his ridiculous offer, "Wants me to drive you into the middle of nowhere, and shoot you in the face." Her eyes quickly displayed fear, "I'm not though, because I care about you."

She hauled a vigorous right hook at my jaw, and it hurt like a bitch, "Care?" She screamed, "I'm in a fucking tower!"

"For your safety!" I corrected, "I would just let you go if I didn't care! I needed to talk to my father, I needed time."

"Time?" She looked at her stomach, "You don't have 9 months to decide whether or not-"

"There's no not," I looked at her furiously, "Your gonna have our child and your gonna calm the fuck down!" She was dead silent, "Because that baby is the only thing keeping you alive."

"Is that a threat?" She questioned.

"No." I laughed, "It's a promise, if you don't come back here in 9 months with a child, you'll be shot in the face."

"Wha- it's my body!?"

"It's my child," I interfered, "if you don't want it I'll take care of it."

"My friends-"

"At this point," I stopped her, "They don't matter, they never mattered, but now they really don't."

"Ashley is your friend too."

"Ashley?" I chuckled, "She's the one that coaxed me into having sex with you! I didn't want to I did for Ashley, she's probably told your whole school."

"You didn't want to?"

"No offense," I tried to clean up my insult, "but You're 15. I'm 18. You're just not in my class."

"So sex is meaningless to you?" She crossed her arms and stared at me.

"Well yes and no." I answered, "It's more of a hobby."


I shook my head, yes, and she scuffed.

"You didn't come here to consult about 'our' baby."

"I came here to tell you," I bit my lip, "We're going on a ride."

"After you just said your father wants you to shoot me in the face." She rolled her eyes.

"Well, I was actually thinking I'd do something more responsible," I sighed, "Kylie I'm going to drop you off somewhere safe."

"Somewhere safe?" She narrowed her eyes and looked me up and down, "I thought I was safe here."

"No," I scratched my head, "you're not, not aslong as my father wants you dead."

"The knights-"

"Only obey his orders." I corrected, "everything in this house is under his control."

"Not everything," She corresed my cheek, "You have a good heart,"

"We work like Kings and Queens, hearts get you hurt."

"Not yours." She walked towards the door and I followed, I opened the door and led the way to my car.

The outside wind, slapped my hair, and wiped my scalp. I opened the car door for her, and crossed over to my side. Her eyes gazed around the black interior.

"You're gonna be fine," I soothed, "I promise."

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