The ending

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Now, before I started this book I'm going to give you a taste of what happened at the end of the series.

Zack, a teenage boy was transformed into a merman during his and his friends camp out on a mysterious island. During that time three mermaids were waiting for the moon to rise in the moon pool. When he transformed the "pod" blamed it on them. They were banished and forced to join the land people, luckily they found shelter at a older mermaids home, Rita. She was also banished from the pod for falling love with a human. The human died after that. They met Zach during their time on land and got to know him. He had a girl friend Evie and a best friend Cam.
The three girls got to know everyone on land and how to keep themselves a secret due to the fact when they touched water they'd transform. Zach slowly discovered the girls secret. He was angry at them for not telling him when he had told them. He went to Mako Island to find the mysterious trident, a powerful merman weapon used to destroy all mermaids. Of course he doesn't know that. The only thing the girls have to use against him are their moon rings. They collect the power of the moon on full moons, but so does the trident. Finally the girls steal the trident from him and hide it in the ocean, but he's right on their tails, during the time Lyla is guarding the trident, Zach finds it, they tackle each other over it when Zach stuck her with the trident's power. She is knocked unconscious and Zach ends up taking her to Rita's and must give the trident up to save Lyla's life. Cam is angry abut Zach giving the weapon away and wants to become a merman himself and tricks Nixie into letting him enter the chamber. The three girls and Zach stop Cam and destroy the trident only leaving the useless moon stone. They hide it.


Nixie and Lyla leave to join the pod in an answer to give up, Zach will never lose his powers. Serena stays. Two other mermaids are sent to help her. Mimmi and Ondina. They tell Zach about the seventh moon cycle and how it will effect him. Everyone knows the moon effects newbies. Zach leaves to Mako Island under the full moons control. Mimmi and Ondina have a plan to change him back, but Evie gets in the way trying to "save his life." This does not work and turns Evie into a mermaid. After that a new boy comes into town. Erik. Ondina is flattered by him surprisingly and falls into the water. He see's her. She is overwhelmed and completely upset but soon finds that he's a merman. Mimmi and Zach start to get strange visions predicting the future. They find out that there's another chamber on Mako island. The merman chamber. It will use all the moons power and destroy the Moon pool. Zach and the others find out about this, Erik does not and thinks it not about using power but containing it and protecting the mermaids. Erik finds out about the tridents stone and finds out that's the only way for him to unlock it. Then Zach and Mimmi find out that they are brother and sister. Zach hates it. He finds out his mother and father adopted him and he's been a merman his whole life. This is extremely overwhelming. Mimmi shakes it out of him and he finds out that its not at all so bad. They need to stop Erik before he destroys the moon pool. Erik sucks the power from Zach but Zach still comes anyway. When Erik is about to grab the trident stone, Ondina is telling him not to. He chooses the chamber over her. The mermaids [Besides Evie] started to lose their power and slowly die. Zach jumps into the pool and push Erik out of the pool and try to pull the stone away but is shocked. The girls wake up and Zach is unconscious. Mimmi use's the trident stone and saves his life.

That's the story!

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