unanswered questions

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I've had a few questions on some of the chapters and I've recently gone through them and took note so I'm going to answer them all at once. Any more questions please feel free to comment on this or direct message me them. I will be happy to answer any questions.

one I've read a lot is Kieron and Matthews surname being the same. I know their mums are sisters so therefore they should have a different surname. I'm a bit of a dumb ass really and didn't think when I was writing it but I do have a solution. It will be told in the second book and Kieron hates his dad too. i will properly explain it and maybe include the pov of Kieron throughout My fiancé. would that be a good idea or nah?

someone mentioned why I made her parents die without meeting or introducing them into the story. For one I new I wanted an big accident to happen in order for Matthew and Lola to get close. I didn't want it to be characters that were well known and introduced as then it would be a lot more heartbreaking and due to there not being many characters in it as of yet there was only her parents that are close to Lola but wouldn't change and make a huge impact on the story line in which I wanted to create.

@katrinataylor63 has asked me how I came up with the story line. It's a pretty weird and random story as I was in English a while back and we was watching Hells kitchen i thought of the idea to create a story of a arrogant boss and I took it from there really.

I now have a few questions for my readers:

who would you like to see or read should I say more of in My fiancé?

what sort of things did you like/dislike that I did in my boss?

and I apologise for the lateness of the release of the second book, i promise it will be released soon.

-leah xox

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