Chapter 39

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3 weeks later

Lola's PoV
The last few weeks have been an absolute roller coaster of a ride. Matthew and I have had our ups and downs and now we seem to be in a good place. He's taken me out to four restaurants, cooked for me twice and taken me to the zoo to see the baby monkeys that have recently been born. How he found out I have a soft spot for monkeys, especially baby ones I will never know. He seems to be really trying. Showing I can trust him and that he actually really does care about me. Proving to me that what we have is real and a mutual feeling between the both of us.
Tonight he's told me to dress nice and prepare for a surprise.
I put on a nude dress with gold embroidery and gems on and apply natural looking makeup. What surprise he has I will never know. He told me that a limo will be waiting outside my apartment at 8 o'clock to take me to the destination.
I could feel the tears threatening to spill as I climbed out of the car. What I saw in front of me was a walkway all the way up to a glorious house that could only be described as a mansion fit for a damn King. The path was lit with small lanterns and big helium balloons were dotted up the path with writing on them. Keeping them to the ground were sones with cute ornaments on them. I began walking following the beautifully lit path reading the balloons as I went.
1st balloon- Lola Louise McKenzie
2nd balloon- You are the best thing that's ever happened to me.
3rd balloon- No words can describe what you do to me.
4th balloon- Now you're apart of my life I cant bare the thought of you not being with me.
5th balloon- you complete me.
The Last three balloons each had one word on them.
And Matthew stood at the end of the path. Below the stairs to the grand doors of the house. A smile on his lips and soft gentle eyes looking down on me.
"You are the reason I want to wake up in the morning, you are the person that saved me and taught me how to love. I love you Lola. Please be mine?"
I stare into his eyes which are full of love. Love for me. He has destroyed his walls he's built to Protect him for me.
"I love you so much Matthew of course I'll be yours!" I say as I jump into his arms. "Who knew Matthew pierce could be such a cheesy bugger" I joke looking back on the adorable walkway.
"What can I say, you bring out a side of me even i didn't know existed" he chuckles. He pulls a small box from his inside pocket.
"I got you this. So you know our love is infinite" he says as he opens the box to reveal a simple yet meaningful necklace. A heart with an infinity sign through it. It sparkled in the moon light and by the look of it it's very expensive.
"Oh Matthew it's gorgeous. Thankyou so much!"
"You're welcome princess, here come with me" he says as he takes my hand.
He leads me to the doors of the beautiful house and opens them and I can't help the gasp that escapes my lips. It's so beautifully decorated and so big yet has such a homely feel.
"Don't freak out when I say this but, this is my actual home except I'm never here. It doesn't feel right. It feels more of a family home. It's too big for me to be in it by myself so Lola Mckenzie one day and I don't mean right away I mean when you're ready and if that's in 6 months, a year or 3 weeks then I don't mind but would you do the Honours of moving into this house with me sometime in the future"
This is a big deal. But such an amazing thing.
"Matthew that's a really big thing you're asking but let's see how we go and then we'll decide in a few months"
He nods and smiles at me.
"So Miss Mckenzie, what would you like to see first"
"Hmm" I say looking at him. "Perhaps the master bedroom needs tending to"
I say seductively.
"The shower might in that case too" he adds and lifts me so my legs are wrapped around his waist. He then proceeds to carry me to the master bedroom, placing me on the bed and adoring every inch of my body. Showing me just how much he loves me.
Only about three chapters, if that, till this is finished! 😱
Cannot believe the amount of support I've got! Thankyou all so much 💞

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