Chapter 33

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Lola's PoV
I have one more day to myself before Matthew returns. One more day to gather my thoughts and process what has happened. I get out of bed and walk to the kitchen to notice that Abby is actually home for once.
"What on earth are you doing here?" She asks the confusion clear in her voice.
"Long story short, Matthews a dick and I came home leaving him at the dinner alone"
"What the hell happened?"
I spend the next 20 minuets explaining everything. From the first night and how he treat me like I was the only girl for him, like he was loving me while kissing every inch of me. Seen as Abby and I are so close we share everything so talking about me and Matthew having sex didn't bother either of us. I ended with what I heard him say to Tamara and how I left him stood in the suite.
"Wow, I mean I expected the sex but I never expected him to turn out like that, I know he's one to sleep around but I honestly thought he really liked you."
"I know. Stupidly I thought that too, I fell for the lies he fed me and now I've fallen for him, allowed him to get to me and I gave him myself and all he did was ruin that. He was the first person I've let myself trust since you know who and I've been betrayed, again"
"I'm so sorry Lo, you really didn't deserve that. Come here"
She engulfs me in a hug and I tear up. I have no hope in any guy ever treating me right.
"I love you, okay? You will always have me" she says as she grabs by face and looks at me. "Go get dressed and freshen up, we're having a girly day and then tonight is a 'eat your feelings' night while watching Bridget jones diary okay?"
"Yeah okay" I laugh, she always knows how to make me smile.
Abby and I decided on ice skating and then a little bit of shopping. Ice skating was always one of our favourite things to do. My mum and dad used to take me all the time even though I wasn't that good they taught me and encouraged me to learn even when I wanted to give up.
We got back to the house at about 5 so we decided to order a takeaway to eat while we watched Bridget Jones diary.
Abby was in the shower and I was going to pick up the food and get munchies.
"Abs, I'm just going to pick up the food and grab some munchies, is there anything you fancy?"
"So long as it's chocolate I don't mind!" She shouts over the water.
I grab my keys off the counter and leave the apartment. I go to the store first and grab anything and everything that looks good and end up spending at least £15 on sweets chocolate and crisps. Oops. I then go and pick up the tea from the Chinese and take it home to be met with Matthew and a guilty Abby.
"What the hell are you doing here?!"

Matthews PoV
I hurry to my plane and tell the flight attendant I'm ready to set off as soon as possible. I need to see Lola before it gets too late. I'm hoping to be home for about four in the afternoon so I can speak to Lola.
We land at 4:36pm  due to the plane driver taking the piss and not setting off when I was ready too. I made sure to freshen up on the plane and then all I needed to do was jump in my car and tell the driver to take me straight to Lola's apartment.
I get there and it's about 5:27pm. I sigh. Why the fuck am I nervous? I never get nervous. Fuck it, I get out the car and walk to Lola's apartment door.
Surprisingly Abby answered the door and never even let me speak a word before the door was nearly shut in my face. I stopped it with my hand.
"Please just let me explain to Lola"
"Talking on her behalf, she hates you" she sarcastically smiles.
"I know but if you please just allow me to explain I..." I was cut off.
"She's not here"
"What? Where is she?"
"Please can I just wait, I really need to see her"
"She really doesn't want to see you"
"I know you know what must have happened so if you'll allow me to come in and explain to you then maybe I can explain to Lola"
"Fine but the second Lola tells you to leave, you leave"
I take a sigh of relief, this is probably the only chance I will get to win Lola back and I will not leave this place until Lola is mine.
I'm so so so sorry it took me so long to update. I know many of you have been really wanting me to update but I gave up writing for a bit and the constant people telling me they're enjoying my story and really wanting me to update helps and really does motivate me to write so Thankyou for that and I'm so sorry this chapter is so shite I really wanted to give you an update and I'm already on with the next chapter so it will hopefully be better than this one🙄
Thankyou for being so patient and Thankyou for the people that have been voting for all my chapters! BIG shoutout to you 😚

My Boss (NEEDS EDITING)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz