chapter 7

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Lola's pov
We walked into a huge dining area that had many circular tables and a giant table at the top. We were shown to our seat by a small young girl, a waitress I'm guessing. I saw my name plate and sat down in front of it. Mike was sat next to me and then the table was full of people that I didn't know. I was looking at the extravagant table with champagne flutes, an amazing centre piece and napkins when I felt someone's gaze on me. I looked up to meet the piercing blue eyes of Mr. Pierce himself. He was literally sat right in front of my table. I didn't realise that our table was the one in front of the top table. I looked away from his intense gaze and looked down. He still didn't take his eyes off me because when I looked back up his gaze was still on me. He had a smug smirk on his face. That bastard. He knew he was making me feel uncomfortable. I turn and speak to Mike and ask him about the night and what will be happening. While I'm speaking to Mike I can still feel Matthew's intense stare shooting daggers at the side of my head. I get the feeling that Matthew is jealous that I'm speaking to Mike but maybe that's just because I want him to be. I mean yes I don't particularly like him very much but he is one handsome man, a girl can dream am I right? The place begins to grow quieter and I lean into whisper into Mike's ear.
"So why is it so important? I mean it's not like he's famous, even though lots of people know of him?" I whisper. He chuckles slightly. "He enjoys the attention" he whispers back and I laugh a little too loudly grabbing the attention of people around and the attention of Matthew himself. He looks a little pissed. Is that because I laughed?
"He looks pissed, oops." I whisper. "Do you reckon I could nip to the  ladies room?" I really should of gone before I sat down, this alcohol is going straight through me.
"He always looks pissed" he chuckles "and you'll have to wait till we finish the starter, there's a little wait from the starter to the main so you will be able to go then"
I nod and sit back properly in my seat as I was sat facing him. Soon the starter is served and I've got to say it looks pretty nice. I don't actually know what it was other than it was prawn based. Matthew stood up and began talking I didn't really pay attention to what he was saying just that he was thanking people for coming and what he plans to do next. I was too busy staring at him to listen, he had on an expensive suit and he looked so hot. My mind replays his hot breath on my neck telling me he'd bite my lip and I began to fidget in my seat, imagining him biting my lip sent a wave of warmth through me. He needed to shut the fuck up and let us eat so I could go and use the ladies room. Finally, he sat down indicating we were allowed to eat, before he took his seat he looked in my direction and smirked as though he knew he was affecting me. That damn smug smirk.
Once everyone had finished the waiters took our dirty plates and I was able to go and use the ladies. Once I came out of the cubical I washed my hands and looked over my makeup and made sure I hadn't smudged it. I walked out and started walking along the corridor back to the table when Matthew pushed me against the wall with his tall figure. What the hell?
He opened the door that was to the right of us and pushed me in and shut the door behind us. He turned on the light and I backed against the right-hand sidewall.
"What are you doing?" I almost yell at him.
"You know, any relationship between staff is completely prohibited," he says calmly. What is he on about?
"I don't know what you're on about?"
"Don't play dumb with me, Lola! you and mike?" 

Wait what? Does he think me and Mike have a thing going on? I laugh, I literally laugh in my boss's face. It wasn't a quiet laugh either. Why do I find it so funny?
"Please inform me what's so funny?" Matthew says's unamused.
"Because you think there's something going on between me and Mike," I say. "and I've not even been working that long, but how can it be prohibited when you flirted with me" I smirk 
He squints at me. "If I find out your lying Lola there will be big trouble. As for our interaction, you enjoyed it more than you're letting on" He says very close to my face. He takes a step back "It was unprofessional of me and won't happen again, I apologize" he then walks out and leaves me in the small room alone.

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