chapter 1

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Butterflies flew in my stomach as I stood in front of my full length mirror over checking my outfit. I start my new job in precisely 30 minutes and I'm actually so nervous. I grab my phone keys and leave my apartment. I get in my car and drive to the club. There's no need to get a taxi as I won't be getting drunk. How unprofessional would that be? I Put my CD on really loud and take the quickest route to the club. It takes me 15 minutes and I'm early which is a good sign to say it's my first day...well night. I go in and try to find Mike. He's the one who hired me and the manager of the club.
"hello?" I call
"Lola? That you?" I hear Layla's voice shout from behind the bar. She's one of many who I'm going to be working with and lucky for me she's chatty, bubbly and really fun. I walk over to the bar and see her sat on the floor stocking up. I sit down next to her and start helping. Just as I begin Mike walks out of the 'staff only' door and walks over to us.
"Ah, Lola you're here on time and already getting to work, good job. Anyway tonight is one of the most busiest nights. I know it's your first night Lola but we need you to be on task and make sure you're up to speed with orders. Now I know you've had experience but like I said in your interview it is a lot different to your local bar. This is a club. I'm counting on you." I nodded my head. He began walking back to the door which I'm guessing is the staff room. "You to Layla!"
Mike was hot I must admit. He had dark blonde hair and dark blue eyes that were almost grey. We finished sorting the beer out and I went to the office area to put my phone and keys away which I should have already done. I looked down at my watch and it read 10:30pm. The club didn't open until 11pm and I've been told it doesn't pick up until about 12:30. Mike called me over when I walked in. I placed my things on the small desk and walked over to him.
"If you need anything talk to Layla or come straight to me. Are you sure you're going to be okay?"
"yeah, I'll be fine thanks"
He stared at me and gave me a flirtatious look.

My Boss (NEEDS EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now