An exclusive interview with Matthew and Lola

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So I did one of these half way through the book and I did say I'd do on the end of the book. This time I'm including Lola in the interview hope you enjoy this last little extra before the release of the second book My fiancé which I'm going to publish next week sometime.

Interviewer: Welcome back Mr Pierce and welcome Miss McKenzie. So, you two are engaged?

Lola: We are

I: exciting times to come for the both of you, but tell us Matthew the last time we spoke you were very against the thought of love never mind marriage.

Matthew: I was. That's due to the fact I'd never experienced it and never knew what it felt like to need that certain someone in your life in order to want to wake up in a morning.

I: that makes sense, so have you made any wedding plans yet?

Lola: we've only just started, we're hoping for a summer wedding in a year or two.

Matthew: maybe even abroad on a beach somewhere

Lola: maybe

I: Awh I'm very happy for you both. It will be lovely.

Lola: Thankyou.

I: So what are your plans for the future? Kids?

Matthew: we haven't really talked about having children yet...

Lola: we'll get married first then see what happens after that but we are both really happy and comfortable right now so we'll see.

I: ah yes your new job Lola, why exactly did you leave the club?

Lola: Well I knew me and Tamara would never ever get on and it wouldn't be the same, I wasn't able to work the hours planned, she made sure Mike gave me all the shit jobs and if we didn't do as she said she would basically sack us. I knew she was just retaliating from what has happened with Matthew and taking it out on me. We all know she wants him. But I got fed up of her shit and left. I'm happier where I am now.

I: what about Layla? Did she stay?

Lola: Actually she did for a few weeks after me but couldn't tolerate it anymore, she's now working in my club since last week.

I: Wow things just get better and better for you. For the both of you.

Matthew: only to get better yet

I: I think everyone can agree on this, that Matthew, you have basically made a Chuck Bass transformation from a dislikable person to a very loving person and I can say we're all very thankful for that. Thankyou both for your time and I'll enjoy looking more into your lives as an engaged couple.

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