Chapter 9

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Photo of Kieron above
Lola's PoV
Once Kieron had gone I was planning on calling a taxi to bring me home. It was about half 11 and I didn't really have anyone to talk to. That is until Mr. Pierce himself came over to me. I didn't realise he was there until I herd his smooth voice behind me. "you look stunning Lola"
"Shouldn't you be with your blonde haired bimbo over there?" I reply. As the blonde girl he's been with all night is shooting daggers at me. I really wasn't in the mood for him or for her giving me evils.
He smirks at me "getting jealous of her are we Lola?"
"No why would I be jealous of her?"
"Well the fact that she's with me"
Why is he such a stuck up jerk?!
"Sorry to disappoint you but I've not being paying much attention and I couldn't really care less who you're with"
I can't actually help my mouth when I'm around him, I forget he's my boss most of the time. I will admit I was a little tipsy seen as I've had about 4 vodka and cokes and 2 martins and lemonade
"Let's get drinks shall we" Matthew says as he comes round next to me.
"What about poor barbie over there? You can't just leave her" he then got up walked to a man and spoke to him. Within minutes the man was speaking to the blonde and they both walked off. Wow, okay.
"What just happened?"
"Nothing, she's gone, so let's have a drink" I knew I shouldn't as I had already had a few and didn't feel exactly sober but I still had one anyway.
I was now sat drinking my 6th vodka and coke and I was quite far from sober. I was still sat with Matthew and we were talking, I really don't know what about but all I know is that we were talking. His hand was on my thigh and he was leaned in and whispering in my ear. I just laughed as his breath tickled my ear. I stood up to go for a wee as I felt as though my bladder was going to burst but fell as soon as I stood up. Matthew helped me up
"I think it's time I took you home Lola" as he helped me, I was up and he held me close to his chest I smirked at him and pulled at his tie, I don't know what came over me but I had the urge to kiss him. Normally I hate the guy he's too arrogant but right now I just want to kiss him. "You know Matthew, you're a jerk and you always frustrate me but I just can't get the urge of kissing you out of my head" I say slurred. I'm too drunk to even care what I say to him. My minds going crazy as he stands in front of me, his manly sent filling my nostrils.
"Yeah we need to get you home" he sighs. We walk out, well I stumble out and his arm snakes around my waist to keep me from falling. He gets me to a black car and I climb in and he gets in next to me. I lay my head down and I end up on his lap, I allow my eyes to shut and fall asleep.

Matthews PoV
I watched as her eyes slowly shut she looked so peaceful and cute when she was asleep. For years I've been putting barriers up, not letting anyone get to me. Not letting anyone effect me in the feelings way. Just quick fucks is all I do. But Lola sparks something in me that may end up bringing these barriers down. That thought scares the shit out of me. I don't do feelings towards women. I mean I obviously love my mother but that's different. I watch as she snuggles and gets comfy in my lap. We stop outside her apartment which I got from the club. And get out and carry her, yes I actually am being a gentleman towards her for once. I take her into her apartment using the keys in her purse. She may kill me when she finds out, I carry her to her bed. And now I'm stuck. She hasn't woke up, she still has her nude dress on that's amazing on her but she cannot sleep in that. I stand staring at her looking so peaceful and wonder what to do when I hear a scream behind me. I turn around to see a woman Lola's age with a object in her hand ready to hit me.
"Whoa whoa whoa" I say. "I was only bringing her home, she's drunk and she passed out in the ride here" she looks at Lola sleeping and realises, she puts the thing down and walks out. She goes into the living room. I went and followed her
"So who actually are you?"
"I'm Matthew pierce"
"Wait the Matthew pierce?"
"Yes, I'm Lola's boss, I'm surprised she's not mentioned me"
"Oh...OH She has mentioned you, you're the arrogant jackass!" she says as though it's just hit her as to who I am. So Lola talks about me to her but all she said is that I'm a jackass. Way to go Matthew.
"So what does she actually say about me?" I ask her
"Oh nothing really just that your an arrogant jackass" she states as though it's a normal thing. Hearing this actually makes me feel the tiniest bit of hurt.
I shrug "yeah well...anyway I was just making sure she got home, you might want to get her out of that dress" and with that I walked out of the apartment. Least I know what Lola thinks of me.

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