Part One

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Dan's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of a little voice whispering "Dan" through a gap between the door and the frame. Normally I hate being woken up in the morning unless it was one person and that person was... Phil. "Dan are you awake?" the fragile voice spoke again, unsure of how I would answer his question. I turned over to face the door and grinned, I looked at my phone to see it was 3.00am, rubbing my eyes to make it look like I had been awake I answered: "Yes Phil I am, come in." The Door swung open and Phil ran in, his face was puffy and wet and it looked like he had been crying. At this point, all I needed to know is why Phil was crying. I sat up in hurry allowing room for Phil to sit on my bed, I turned my lamp on(blinding me but I tried to hide the fact.) Instead, Phil jumped when a rumble of thunder crashed in the sky, wrapping his arms around me as he jumped across the room. "P...Phil are you scared of storms?" I asked my voice crackling as I pressed one hand gently on his back and the other on his head. Just I had finished my sentence another crash of thunder echoed through the flat shortly followed by lighting which illuminated the room even more than the lamp did.Digging his head into my chest a small voice whimpered "y...yesss Da...ann." I laid him down on the bed as the flashes and crashes continued. I got off the bed and walked towards my chest of drawers. "Phil don't worry you are safe" I exclaimed trying him to make it feel better. "Da..ann you aren't leaving are you?" Phil stuttered. "No! I would never leave you in a storm again I promise." I announced. Opening the second drawer from the ground, I pulled out my docking station I plugged my iPod in and played music at full volume. After that, i ran back to my bed and held Phil close to me. "Thankyou Dan" a timid voice spoke. But did he feel the same? No shut up dan, of course, he doesn't you never have a chance with him, what are you thinking?

Phil's P.O.V

That night Dan found out what he should have found out sooner, but I am glad he didn't laugh and push me away. He held me so close and it sent all the butterflies fluttering in my tummy. I felt so much better knowing that he was there to protect me, He cared so much but does that mean h..he feels the same or does he do it to be a good friend. What are you doing of course not he is your best friend you idiot he did it to be friendly, what are you thinking?

The next morning I awoke realising where I was I was still in the arms of Dan I snuggled I closer not wasting this time I had with him.


40 minutes later

I felt someone stroking my hair. I looked up to see Dan's chocolate brown eyes wide open and staring at me. (I looked back down as I blushed) "Morning Philip, do you feel better," Dan said laughing to himself he pulled his arms away from me and blushed, (he is so cute) I punched his arm gently as I rolled to the side.

"What do you want to do today?" his gentle voice spoke as he rolled me over to face him. "What do you want to do?" I replied. I steadied my eyes concentrating on his gentle lips. Suddenly Dan's face lit up revealing his dimples (which were adorable) " Can we go to Starbucks, please?" how could I resist him "Yeah I guess." I said leaping up and looking back "I am going to have a shower," I said grinning. Dan just smiled back once again revealing his dimples.

Dan's P.O.V

I lay on my back thinking what an amazing night that was even if Phil was scared. Then I stared at the ceiling thinking about what else we could do I listed things in my head: meet up with mates, cinema, the mall , the zoo. That was it we could go to the zoo. I jumped out of bed and stumbled into the kitchen still quite sleepy I poured a bowl of cereal and added the milk I did the same for Phil but left the milk for him to do when he got out the shower. I sat on the sofa and started thinking. Would Phil want to go to the zoo or would he hate the idea, we have been once before and we had an amazing time, but would be different? Why should it be me and Phil are mates we can do this type of stuff... right?

I sat on the sofa chomping away when Phil Wondered out of the bathroom, he was fully dressed but his hair was dripping so he had his head tilted forward. He dripped all over the carpet and left the bathroom filthy once again. Putting my empty bowl in the sink on the way, I went into the bathroom grabbing the towels that were just flung every where. "Phil!" I whined whilst drying the floor. (AGAIN) At that moment a slim boy with jet black hair and crystal blue eyes stood there wide open, he hair was now dried and straightened rather than the dripping wet scruffball that was once placed on his head."What is it, Daniel?" He said with a cheeky smile on his face. "Actually shut up" I snarled staring into his ocean eyes that you could just dive into. "Clear up the bathroom after you!" suddenly realizing how loud my voice was; I regretted it."S...sory Dan, are you annoyed at me?" Phil spoke, he sounded so upset. "No, of course not," I replied putting the damp towels in the wash bin,

Without thinking I left turning slightly to tell Phil to "go have breakfast, whilst I got ready" (blush) "Dan" His voice trembled again. "Yes, Phil?" I was still wondering why he was still scared? "Can you leave your hobbit hair, pretty please?" at least he sounded happier this time. Still, why did he want me to leave my hobbit hair I look disgusting with it? "Urm, why?" I asked knowingly. He looked up and spoke these four simple words "because you look cute..." he blushed looking down trying to hide it.(It was one of the cutest things I have ever seen.) "Urr... I guess so but only today!" I explained winking at my ebony haired friend. Slowly walking to my bedroom I suddenly felt a cold hand on my shoulder, (which set off fireworks in my belly) "Dan, what should we do after we go to Starbucks" Phil asked awkwardly. "Can we go to the zoo I really want to see the llama's and you could see the lions." I rushed into saying this hoping he wouldn't hate the idea. "That sounds great" he replied giving a thumbs up to show his enthusiasm.

As I was getting ready I sighed thinking back to the last time we went to the zoo and I had to lie to all my friends and try and dodge my greatest fear. but could I be honest about it with Phil or would he laugh in my face? It was definitely confusing me. But then again I hadn't felt this way since High School after picking up my phone and wallet from my bed side cabinet I strolled into the living room to see Phil sat awaiting on the couch.

Phil's P.O.V

Whilst Dan was getting ready I was wondered if he felt the same if he got the butterflies every time we touched (i know that sounded so corny and I am glad I wasn't saying it out loud.) I hoped he did but at the same time hoped he didn't not wanting to spoil our friendship and everything. Many other thoughts were being pushed through my head like what he was scared of, and wondering why he hadn't told me before, maybe the same reason why I hadn't told him to mine maybe it made him look less manly I don't know? But as the thoughts were whirling round in my head, a warm figure wrapped their arms around "you ready to go the Philly?" Dan said whilst unravelling his arms giggling (he is such a cutie) STOP! Phil stop he is your best friend just stop! "yeah" I replied leaping up from the couch checking I had everything.

Within ten minutes we had done and on our way to Starbucks. I wondered what the day had for us?

The Love Between A Danosaur And A Philion (A Phan Story)Where stories live. Discover now