• Prologue •

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''You're a worthless pathetic fag!''

''Why don't you just kill yourself already?''

''Everybody hates you!''

''I wish you were dead!''

Harry kept throwing punches at the smaller, vulnerable boy in front of him between every sentence. A few more punches and then Harry and his friends walked away. Leaving a bleeding Louis alone to deal with the pain in his stomach and head.

Do I really deserve this? Louis thought to himself. Am I worthless? Am I better of dead? Does everyone hate me? Should I just kill myself and end all this pain?
These were thoughts that crossed Louis Tomlinson's mind every now and then.

After a few minutes of thinking, Louis finally pulled himself together and ran to the bathroom. He didn't want people to see him weak, even though he was more than weak. He was broken and needed a lifesaver before it was too late, which it would be soon enough. The time glass would run out on Friday next week. The day he would kill himself. The day he was going to end all of his pain. The day he would leave earth and hopefully live a better life somewhere else.

A life where he wouldn't get bullied for liking boys instead of girls. A life where everyone got accepted for whoever they were. A life where who wouldn't have to hide behind big sweaters and an empty smile. A peaceful life.

Louis slowly soaked a paper towel while staring at his own reflection through the mirror. Blood was dripping from his nose, dark bruises were starting to fill up his face and Louis got slightly disgusted with himself. He was so weak and such an easy target for Harry.

With a blurry sight he brought the now wet paper towel up to his face and started to clean up the mess Harry had made.

Ugh, Harry. Why did he have to be so gorgeous while bullying me? His emerald green eyes that was hiding under those beautiful chocolate curls. The way he walked, the dimples that would show up when he smiled and -

Uh Louis stop it. You can't think the one causing you all this pain is gorgeous, Louis thought to himself.

''Whatever, I'll be ending this soon enough.'' Louis muttered while grabbing his bag that he had dropped to the bathroom floor and turning around.

''Excuse my curiosity, but what happened?'' A blond guy said while walking out from one of the toilet booths.

''Nothing," Louis answered quickly.

''I don't believe that," the other one said.

''Like someone would actually care," Louis mumbled while walking towards the door. Soon enough he found himself in the halls of the school again, his face almost as good as new. Well, as good as it could get with some growing bumps all over his face. He quickly looked around and then started walking towards his history class, head's low, as always.

''Ah Louis, at last. Take a seat," the teacher said while studying Louis face as he entered the class. "I believe you can sit at the back with Harry since you've missed some things and maybe he could explain it for you, yeah? Good.''

Louis nodded slowly as he walked to the back of the room, settling himself down at the chair beside Harry, ignoring everyones stares. He was used to this, it didn't bother him anymore, he liked to tell himself.

The teacher started babbling about boring things and Louis didn't pay any attention. He was too concentrated with keeping his eyes of Harry who was staring at him while liking his lips.

''I'm not done with you,'' Harry whispered, making Louis shiver. ''I'm going to smack that pretty little face of yours harder after school, and then I'm going to make you wish you were never born," he continued.

Louis gulped, he couldn't help but feel scared. Scared of what he would do to him this time, but it wasn't like it mattered anyway. Louis would kill himself in a week and that was final.

The bell rang signalling the class was over. Louis quickly took his papers and put them in his bag. He then ran, he didn't want to get beaten up by Harry and his friends again. Not before the weekend.

But since luck never came easily to Louis he wasn't even surprised that he had to run into Harry's best friends Zayn and Josh.

''Watch out where you're going, fag!'' Zayn yelled and his friend Josh took this opportunity to throw a punch onto Louis stomach.

''We don't want to get infected by your gayness," they both laughed.

''I'm sorry," Louis mumbled while looking down.

''You should be," Josh told him.

Fortunately they walked away right after those words and Louis, being the loser he is, quickly ran home. Not once looking back. It wasn't far away from school really, only about 10 walking minutes.

When Louis got home he fell down on his knees, trying to catch his breath.

''One more fucking week in hell then I'll be with my best friend Liam in heaven," he whispered to himself.

Suicide Attempt •  Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now