Chapter thirty-three.

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I really hate birthdays. You're just celebrating one year closer to death, what's the point? There is none. I want to hit someone in the face on the morning of my birthday. I want to hit all of them, excapt maybe Anne. They all wake me up extra early and wish me happy birthdays which I not-so-kindly except. I shove them away and pull the duvet over my head, blocking out the sunshine. Tyler knows my weak spot as he bribes me with pancakes and chocolate-mint ice cream for breakfast. 

I walk downstairs in my pajamas and rub my eyes. They are all sitting around the table, Harry, Marcel and Tyler, eating breakfast. They practically devoured everything in site except the double chocolate cake and a plate of pancakes sitting on my side of the table. 

"I told you guys not to make a big deal out of it." I groan but cut a piece of the pancake off and eat it. 

"Mum insisted on baking you a cake and she wants us to all go out later for dinner." Marcel tells me. 

"Where is Anne?" 

"She had to go to work early today but she told me to tell you happy birthday. And she said you could stay home from school today if you would like." Harry says. 

"Yeah we can go house hunting!" Tyler jokes. 

"What do you mean house hunting?" they both get serious. 

"Little sis and I are going to get an apartment together." I want to shove this entire cake in Tyler's face right now. I didn't want them to find out about this, not now or in this way at least. They both give me questioning looks and drop their forks. 

"Y-You're leaving?" 

"Well.. I thought I would be old enough to get my own apartment. I can't live with you guys forever and I've been working extra hard at the Diner so I could pay off rent and I figured I should try and make it on my own. But Tyler suggested we get an apartment together because he doesn't want to live in the same old house that out father used to live in." I explain and hope to god they're not upset. 

"We get it. I just didn't want you to leave so soon." Marcel frowns. 

"Maybe we can help get one." Harry still seems upset. 

"Yeah.. I'm going to get changed for school." I really want to escape this awkwardness. 

"I have a surprise for you after school Soph!" Tyler says and leaves the house. He  probably doesn't want to face the awkward tension either. 


"Happy birthday!" Mel shouts so loud the entire hallway can hear it. 

"Shh! It's not a big deal!" I tell her and put my books away.

"Tyler has a surprise for you after school!" 

"I know.. I know.. wait you know what it is? Tell me!" I nag. 

"No no no. I promised I wouldn't tell." I groan and hit my head against the lockers. I wish I stayed home today. 


The final bell rings and I am first out of the class. I rush to my locker expecting the two boys that always manage to make it there before me but I don't. I begin to get confused when I see Tyler sitting on the floor going through his phone. 

"Ready for your present?" He smiles at me once I put my stuff away. 

"Sure.." I huff. I really hate surprises. 

We drive and drive until Tyler makes me put a blindfold on. This makes me worry even more, I really really hate surprises. 

"Just follow my voice." we go up a flight of stairs and take an elevator up to a floor. Silence is all I hear when a door clicks and my billfold is taken off. It's pitch black and I can't see anything. The lights flicker on and it looks like every person in  the entire school has squished together to fit in this three bedroom apartment. They all yell 'SURPRISE' and immediately turn on the music. 

"Do you like the apartment?" Tyler beams. I actually really love it. 

"Yes! Where is Mel? and the boys?" I can't see them anywhere. 

"They're here some where." he shrugs and hands me a red cup filled with beer. 

"You're legal in the UK remember?" He smiles. I laugh and take a sip of the liquid. It's disgusting but I stomach it. It's my party, I should enjoy it. 


So sorry this is short and late but I hope you liked this chapter. 

I am having such writers block it's terrible. I think I will be ending this story soon, I really have no idea how I'm going to end it but if you have any ideas let me know or let me know if you don't want me to end it?? I don't know?? Lol thanks. 

Oh and make sure to check out my new fanfic called Harry and Rosie. It's in my works and it's close to 100 reads so go go go! thanks! 

2+ votes and 2+ comments for the next chapter. 

-Leena xx

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