chapter seven.

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I sit down on the couch and Marcel sits next to me, a good foot between us. When Harry picks out the movie (Grease) he comes to sit back down and sits so close to me our legs brush. The movie starts and I try not to pay attention to the two boys next to me. 

I cross my legs so I'm not touching Harry to much. He places his hand on my thigh and squeezes gently. He gives me a small smile and looks back to the screen. Marcel notices Harry's gesture and to my surprise he loops his arm around my shoulder pulling me close into his chest. I breathe in his Cologne and instantly relax. Harry is aggravated and grabs my hand, kissing it multiple times. Both of their gestures are making me dizzy, a girl can only take so much. 

Marcel pulls my hand away and places it next to him so Harry can't reach it. I get up and face them, "Okay, I think that's enough. I'm not some toy to be won over by sweet gestures." I say and turn around gathering my things. "I think I should go home." 

"I'll walk you out!" they both yell running towards me. I am almost tackled by both of them as they both try and reach me. 

"okay! You can both walk me out! Calm down!" I yell at the two boys bantering back and forth about who reached me first. They look over to me and nod. 

When we reach the door they both lean in for a kiss. Oh gosh. Marcel takes a chance and pushes Harry into the wall and places a small kiss onto my kiss. 

"I'll see you soon?" he whispers into my ear, making me almost fall over. I can only muster up a nod, If i tried anything else I would have for sure fallen over. 

Harry gets back up and pushes Marcel away from me and grabs my waist, placing a kiss on top of my forehead. "Have a good night Sophie.." he says and kisses me once more on my hand. I nod my head and mumble a you too. the door slams behind me and I go towards my car... that isn't here. Shoot. Marcel drove me here. I have to go back in there? 

I slowly walk up to the door and lightly knock, Harry answers in only his boxers. I try to not look down. 

"Back so soon?" he laughs. 

"Marcel drove me here.. I need a ride.." I mumble, looking anywhere but down. This is so awkward. 

He nods and walks out, closing the door behind him. 

"What are you doing?" 

"Marcel is asleep, I'll drive you." he tells me and walks to his range rover. 

"What about your clothes?" I try and catch up to him. 

"I don't need them." he laughs and continues to start up the car. 

"Oh..okay" This should be fun. 

The ride is almost peaceful until Harry decides to put his hand on my thigh and winks. Cheeky. Two can play at this game. I place my hand on top of his and look over. His eyes are bright and his smile spreads wide, reaching his dimples. Not the reaction I was hoping for, but lets have some fun. 

I lean over, making sure harry is distracted and nibble on his ear lobe, I blow cold air onto it and kiss his neck, making my way down I stop and kiss his collarbone once before pulling away. I sit back down and the car slides to a stop, skidding against the gravel and over to the side of the road. 

"You think you can do that and get away with it?" he growls and unbuckles me, dragging me on top of his lap. I am surprised by his actions but sit on his lap, slightly enjoying it.

"Marcel is going to be mad at me for this...." He says staring at my lips "Fuck it" he says before crashing his lips onto mine, sliding his tongue in, begging for an entrance, I oblige. It feels nice, but I don't feel any sparks, is this what a kiss is supposed to feel like? 

I need ship names for Harry and Sophie and Marcel and Sophie. 
Sarry and Mophie sound good? Leave a comment on what you think it should be. 

I hope you liked this chapter, 2+ votes for an early update or wait until tomorrow night. 

Team Harry or Team Marcel? 


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