Chapter 42: Mari's Young Adult Problems

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Mari: Shun, we can fix it later can we go now?

Shun: Yeah baby I'm coming down now.

Me and Shun was meeting up with Amonji and Trell today to hang out.

We were going on a vacation. We're going to Atlanta just to get away and chill. I might even give my baby what he been missing. It's been 5 months since the last time we did it.

I hate having to make him wait when I'm ready to do it. Imma just let him start taking it.

Mari: Baby!

Shun: What bay?

Mari: Imma just let you start taking it.

Shun: Why, I don't want you thinking you doing anything wrong because your not.

Mari: I just want to make you happy just  like you make me happy.

Shun: I don't want to have to that kind of relationship shawty.

Mari: I do want a baby.

Shun: And you will...when the time is right. Can we at least wait until we graduate college first?

Mari: You think we'll be together that long?

Shun: You don't?

Mari: I'm glad that I'm in your future.

Shun: I just want the best for us.

Mari: True...but let's get ready to go everybody at the airport waiting for us.

We get in the car and we was on our way to the airport.


We walked in the main door of the airport and everybody was standing at the door. Kyla is coming. I love my best friend.

I cant deal with a lot of stuff right now.

Pj: Is that everybody?

Everybody: Yes.

Pj: Alright, let's roll.

We got on the plane and Shun sat on the seat with Amonji, So I guess I'll sit with my brother and Kyla. That was strange.

Trell: Why are they sitting together?

Mari: My guess is just as good as yours.

Trell: I will be asking questions.

Mari: Are you saying that Shun want Amonji.

Trell: I'm kinda thinking that.

Mari: I don't know why. Let's just go to sleep because the sun is setting.

Trell: Ok.

We went to sleep and it was silent as a mouse on the plane

When I woke up we was pulling into the Texas Airport. Let me get on my duty.

Trell walked with me to get them something to eat. I couldn't find a McDonald's so Subway it was. I already know what he wants.

Trell: How did you know what he wanted?

Mari: You just know. You gotta sit back and watch. Who ever you are with.

Trell: Oh so you think you grown?

Mari: What are you talking about?

Trell: I know your almost grown but don't rub it in my face.

Mari: Lil brother that's not what I'm doing. That's not what I do.

Trell: Sorry...its just that me and Monji been on a long roller coaster.

Mari: What's going on?

Trell: It's mainly me...I love him but I don't know if I'm ready to be committed to one person just yet.

Mari: I am not finna listen to how you finna let a good man leave out of your life. You need to get it together...that must've been why Shun was sitting with Amonji. Talking about yo ass.

I said as I walked off.

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