Chapter 6

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It’s been almost a week since I told Andy what Ashley said. There’s been no need to avoid Andy since he’s been avoiding me. But every time I’ve seen him I’ve been with Lee. Andy’s seen that and turned and walked away. Which hurts my heart a little.

Lee and I are getting closer every day, or so it seems. We spend a lot of time talking or just sitting close to each other. He’s asked me to be his girlfriend several times but I keep saying no. The first time he asked I told him no because I didn’t want that again. I then had to explain about Luke. He understood but said he would change my mind and, thus, keep asking. But I don’t care. For now I just like being close to someone again. All his hugs and kisses and holding hands with him make me feel so much better. I’m just having fun and loving it.

Like I said, it’s been about a week. Shows almost every night. They’re always fun and so are the meet-and-greets afterwards. We’ve met so many people. But meeting that many people means autographs. Which means my carpal tunnel acting up. I’ve been wearing my wrist brace almost all day every day and taking Tylenol nonstop. I’m scared if we get more fans my poor hand will fall off. For now I’ll suffer. It’s all for the better good.

I’m having a good time in my life right now. Doing what I want and what I love, it makes me happy. Yet when I’m with Lee I can’t help but think of Andy. It’s nonstop almost. I admit I like him but there’s the whole thing with Ashley. It’s unnecessary drama that I don’t need. I have enough without him. Plus Andy supposedly having a girlfriend would make things awkward. So why would he kiss me and all that when he saved me and he didn’t have to? On the surface it doesn’t seem like he wants to be anything more than friends, if even that. I guess in the meantime I’ll stick with Lee. I mean, he’s showing interest. And I like him, of course I do. I just can’t fully concentrate on him when half my mind is thinking of Andy. It’s not really fair to Lee after all.

Three more weeks have passed. So it’s been a whole month since I’ve spoken to Andy. I still see him almost every day. But he still avoids me and I him. I don’t even know where to start to end this. It’s distracting me so much. Everyone can tell.

One day in late September, we’re stopped in Columbus, Ohio for that night’s show. Lee and I are walking around preshow. Along the way we talk to the other bands who are doing exactly what we are. It’s so nice to just walk around with nothing much to worry about.

Besides running into Andy Biersack. Literally running into him. Again, while I am trying to run away from Lee’s tickling fingers. Am I the clumsiest person or what?

“Oh my gosh Andy, I’m sorry. I wasn’t paying attention again.” I think I succeed in not blushing. And I wonder if he or Lee notices.

“This is becoming a habit of yours, I see. I’m going to have to wear armor or something. I think I actually have a bruise now.” He smiles that infuriatingly adorable smile and my stomach flutters. Why?

“I’m just losing it I guess. Sorry.”

“It’s okay, honestly. And…I don’t actually have a bruise.” Like I really believed that anyway. “So, I’ve been thinking. A lot actually, about what happened and I was wondering if we could—”

Just then Andy is interrupted by Gary and Danny. Luckily Danny notices and stays quiet but Gary just launches off. “There you are. We’ve been looking for you. We really need to go talk to these people who’ve come to see you. They said they want to sponsor you guys for your next tour. So we have to see what their conditions are and what they absolutely require from us before they’ll do it.”

Gary stops and gasps for breath before continuing on. But I stop paying attention to him. Danny and I roll our eyes at each other. Then I look at Lee, who for some reason, appears to be having a staring contest with Andy. Danny notices too. But before it can go any further, Wade, Lee’s band mate, interrupts.

“Finally, I found you! Let’s go, we have a meeting.”

“Freaking meeting day,” I mutter to Danny, who laughs.

Lee breaks eye contact with Andy to come grab me in a bear-hug. Then he goes in for the kiss, But for some reason I turn my head at the last second. The look in Lee’s eyes is confusion but he still leaves with Wade. I glance at Andy who’s smirking. Great, Ashley’s rubbed off on him, I think.

Gary’s talking to me again so I decide to listen. “Did you get all that?”

“Yeah, sure. Meeting, show, people. Let’s go then,” I sigh.

But before I can follow Danny and Gary I feel a hand on my arm. I know whose hand it is and that awareness makes me shiver. I slowly turn around as Andy gently tugs on my arm.

“Andy, you heard what Gary said. I really need to go before he gets mad,” I tell him softly.

“I know. But I want to talk to you. Will you meet me tonight after we get done? Please.” Those eyes look at me so earnestly. I hesitate, not sure what to say. Andy sees that. “Just meet me backstage okay?”

And before I can even think about stopping him, Andy pulls me close and kisses me, deeply. My mind goes blank and all I can feel is his arms around me, pulling me closer. His arms are so warm, way warmer than Lee’s. I slowly open  my eyes as his lips stop moving against mine. His eyes lock on mine as we both catch our breath back.

Finally we pull apart and the world falls back into place. I blush, remembering that we’re in public, and quickly look around. But I only see Danny a few feet away and everyone else in the distance. Danny is just staring at us. I look back at Andy.

“I have to go,” I whisper. I pull his face down to mine and give him a short kiss before running to Danny and dragging him off.

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