Chapter 46

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Liam's p.o.v

Leeroy didn't come home last night...In fact he hasn't been home for a while now. I do admit I felt bad for everything but it's hard. Yes, people think I'm a dick, but so was Harry and now everyone loves him so I'm not worried for myself. I did feel increadably uncondisionably bad for hurting Alex. She was just trying to help with me and Leeroy and I got angry enough that I hurt her. And she's a girl!! Number one rule: NEVER hit a girl. 

I walked downstairs in sorrow, guilt, and confusion. Since when was Marcel the violent type?


His words rung out in my head. He was never violent, or else he wouldn't have let us pick on him so much. So what's with the sudden....Alex. He was also so irritable when she wasn't with him. She's his spark. By now the punch he threw had developed a bruise but I needed it, I deserved it.

"Liam?" My mum asked, tears in her eyes.

"Yes I have seen Leeroy, no he won't come back" I sighed. I didn't know if he would come home or not, but It was doubtful. 

"Are you sure?" She sniffled.

"Mum, you screwed up. Im sorry but you screwed up" I shrugged. Walking away towards the door I heard her sniffle even more.

"I'm going out!" I called back. Not giving a damn if she let me or not because I had already walked out and slammed the door. Jeez, what the hell is wrong with me?

Marcel's p.o.v 

I woke up with my arms around a small waist. Opening my eyes I was greeted with brown eyes and bright blonde hair.

"Good morning sunshine" Leeroy smiled jokingly. I screamed and stood up quickly, letting him laugh into the pillow.

"What the hell?!?!" I shouted brushing my fingers through my hair in embarasment.

"You agreed to sleep here with me last night, not my fault" He shrugged sitting up. I sighed remembering my agreeing to that.

"What was with the sleep talking?" 

"I sleep talk?"

"Alex...No Alex...I'm ticklish there stop....yea right there..." He mimiked. I stared in shock, not even having any recolection of my dream.

"Shall I go on?"

"No you've made your point" 

He smiled and stretched before standing up and walking out of the room, leaving me to take in the surroundings. White walls, a small inflatable bed that Leeroy and I had been sleeping in, and 4 large windows. A hospital guest room. Walking out of the room, seeing the doctors already zooming back and forth, while Leeroy stood at a coffee machine. He poured in two creams and once sugar before brinnging the mug up to his lips, then making a face of disgust.

"God I hate coffee" He groaned, looking into the pale brown mixture.

"Then why did you get it stupid" I chuckled, taking it from his hands and sipping on it, letting out a satisfied sigh once I pulled it away from my lips. 

"Becuase I needed to wake up, you were doing crazy shit in your sleep Marcey" He sighed. I almost choked on the coffee, bad enough to hear I was having a crazy Alex dream and apperantly I do crazy things as well. 

"Well anyways lets go see Alex, she should be awake by now" He smiled looking up at the clock. 


I nodded and followed him to the room, where we found Alex watching Teen Wolf (wink wink I love that show).

"OOOH what episode is this?!?" Leeroy exclaimed running into the room, throwing his hands in the air. 

"Season 1 episode 3 they had no other seasons"

"Damn it!" 

I walked over to the bed and sat down next to her, staring at her features. Her lips was still scratched and swollen, her eye was swollen, and she had bruises up and down her neck. But at least she didn't look as bad as she did yesterday.

"Baby?" I asked, my voice coming out shaky. She turned to face me and smiled, even when she was so broken, her eyes shined like stars. 

"Can I talk to you?" 

She looked at me confused and noddedm then glanced at Leeroy.

"I'll go tell them to meet us here" He smiled before standing up and walking out. 

"What's wrong babe?" She asked turning to face me. She squinted in pain but didn't say anything.

"How bad did he hurt you?" I asked, in full seriousness.

"Marcel it's"

"how. Bad. Is. It" I sighed. She looked at me concerned before lifting her gown to reveal a scar going up and down her side. The stiches were fresh still covering the giant wound going down from the side of her armpit to her waist. 

"did Liam do that?"

"He was hitting me...for a while" she sighed.

"Why didn't you do anything?"

She starred down and shrugged.

"For some reason, I felt like I deserved"

"Why does and angel deserve to be hit?" 

She blushed and stared down, still upset.


She looked up shyly.

"Last night you shot up crying...what happened?"

She sighed and purrsed her lips.

"I had a nightmare"


"You...hated me....and I" She trailed off. My heart clenched at those words. How could I hate the one person who cared for me? How could I hate the one and hopefully the only love of my life?

"And you?" I asked, my 

"It reminded me of when I got bullied" She sighed, her bottom lip quivering. I hugged her and let her cry freely, her fragile body trembled in my grasp. 

"I killed myself" She cried. I held her in complete shock. She killed herself?! I couldn't even imagine my life without her anymore, I cant even think about what I did without her. 

"Babe, look at me" 

She did as she was told and looked at me brokenly. Her eyes had become red and puffy, as for her cheeks, they were stained with wet streaks.

"I will always love you. No matter what, I would never not see you as a perfect angel who has done so much for me. I love you so fucking much Alex, you don't even know. I would die for you, I would sacrafice everything I had just to see you smile. And I promise you here and now, I will never stop loving you" I smiled. Her eyes widened as she stared in shock.

"I love you too Marcel" She smiled. I pulled her in for a kiss, sealing the promise that I will never break. 

The Nerd MarcelOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora