Chapter 40

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ok, so I love the comments on the last chapter and I literaly need to give a shoutout to 




I loved the comments, so thank you! anyways ill shut up now


Harry's p.o.v

We stood in each others presence in complete silence and shock. My mum and Chris smiled wildly while Marcel and I stared in both anger and disbelief.

"Harry Marcel!" My mum wailed taking steps towards us. I placed a hand on Marcel's chest and pulled him back, treating my mother like a stranger. She stopped dead in her tracks, looking at us shocked.

"Boys?" She asked, extending her hand for us to grasp. Marcel took another step back, while I stood my ground and glared at her.

"What do you want?" I snapped. She blinked a few times, before Chris cut in.

"Boys we thought-"

"Shut up Chris I asked Anne" I growled. Not even bothering to use the word mum for this sake, she want a mother in anyway.

"Anne? Harry it's your mother" Chris added.

"I said shut up Chris!" I shouted. He closed his mouth, leaving my mum furious.

"Harry don't you talk to your father that way!" She yelled.

"HE WILL NEVER BE OUR DAD, AND YOU'RE NO MUM OF OURS" Marcel cut in yelling. She stared shocked, in all the time she had been here she had never heard Marcel yell. Never.

"Marcel..." She trailed off. The tears were clear on her face.

"Now what do you want?" He snapped. They exchanged at look before looking back at us.

"We came back for you boys" Chris answered. The sound of his voice was making me want to through up on the spot.

"Really?" Marcel asked, the sarcasm clear in his voice to me, while in there eyes sounded hopeful. 

"Yes baby, we missed you so much" Anne smiled, tears running down her face. Three years ago the sight would have broken me, seeing my mother cry but now the sight is rewarding. 

"That. Sounds...Like bullshit" He ended, his face hardened to no emotion. Leaving my mother speachless and shocked.

"What do you mean-" She began.

"WHO THE FUCK LEAVES TWO 14 YEAR OLDS ALONE FOR 3 AND A HALF FUCKING YEARS!!" I shouted. She flinched and cowared back, behind Chris. Who until she did that move, I forgot about.

"Boys, we're trying to appologize" He sighed.

"Fuck you Chris, don't act so inocent I remember that night!" I yelled. He stared at me confused. Marcel balled our hands into fists in unison as I was about to speak again.

"Does, Wouldn't it be nice to have everyday be like that? Ring a fucking bell?" I asked, they gasped in disbeleif. 

"How did you-" Anne began.

"I'm not fucking retarded!" 

"But you boys were asleep" Chris cut in.

"So you were going to leave us while we were asleep?!" Marcel cut in. He stared at the ground in shame, letting my mum to talk.

"Boys, it was a vacation" 

fuck you fuck you fuck you, you left us nothing will change that. 

"A vacation huh? from us?!?" I yelled. 

"Also, a vacation is a month or two not 3 fucking years to an unknown area leving your sons!!" Marcel shouted. 

"Boys please understand-"

"No we understand that you didn't want sons, you just wanted to spend time with that asswipe who put thoughts of leaving us in your head, Thoughts that you agreed to!" I yelled. Marcel and I glared at them with a burning rage, I could feel my blood boil even more. 

"ASSWIPE?" Chris cut in. He walked to us hands balled into fists, face going red, and breathing heavily. He blindly swung his arm towards Marcel's face, obviously not realizing I had said that. I gasped as his hand made contact with Marcel's as he intersepted the blow.

"I don't think you know this, but" Marcel began. Chris tried to free his hand, but gave up by trying to hit Marcel with his free one, only for Marcel to stop that one as well.

"I've been a victim of a few fights, and i'm tired of it" He ended. His eyes growing dark and angry. He swung Chris back in a swift motion, causing him to slam against a wall, a gasp escaping his lips as the wind was knocked out of his lungs. 

"Chris!" My mother yelled, running to his aid. I stared at Marcel in shock, he smirked at me and winked. Making me smile.Only to frown when I heard my mothers voice.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" She shouted standing up. The tears streaming down her face, leving wet streaks. 

"I could say the same to you, you loved your sons but you left" I said blankly really not even caring about her anymore. 

"You're no sons of mine" She mummbled.

"Well you're no mum of ours" Marcel retorted. She looked up, shocked at the words Marcel had just said, crying more. 

"Get out" Marcel and I said in unison. 

"W-wait, boys please accept your mother" She pleaded. 

"You just said, we're no sons of yours, to us you're strangers" Marcel said.

"And we don't like strangers comming into our house and yelling" I smirked, pulling my phone out of my pocket, dialing a 9 and showing her.

"No, Harry please-"

"Get. Out" Marcel said furiously. She stood there staring at us in shock.

"GET OUT!!" We yelled in unison, she jumped back and helped Chris up before exeting the house in a rush, leaving Marcel and I to stand alone yet again. I noticed Marcel begin to tremble, as he sobbed quietly. I pulled him under my arm and allowed him to cry while I held him, knowing this was the last time we would see Chris and our mother ever again.

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