Chapter 32

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Hey guys!!! So here is the chapter I'm going to try my hardest to write a really long chapter today, there are going to be alot of flash backs ok? I'm sorry if there are any typos im using my computer and I dont trust it for spell check. So yea, here you go. 

Alison's p.o.v

"Yea of course Leeroy, I'm sorry about your parents" I sighed.

"It's ok, I should have seen it coming" he said sadly.

"Ok be there at 12" I ended.

"See you then"

I pressed end call and set my phone on the table. Poor Leeroy, his parents hadn't agreed and now he was asking to stay over here for a while. Of course I said it was ok. Plus I did have a vacant room in the house, I'm also sure my parents wouldn't mind him staying here for a while. Considering they're off on some trip.

I walked to the fridge and opened it. Scanning it and realizing we had almost no food besides leftovers and some ingredients to make a few meals. Sighing I closed the fridge and walked upstairs to my room, grabbing a beige leather jacket, my wallet, and a pair of matching flats before going back downstairs, and receiving my keys and phone. Heading out of the house to buy groceries.


Leeroy's p.o.v

I sat on my bed staring at the bright pink desk top clock.


I wiped the tears off of my face and stood up. Retrieving the duffel bag from my closet.

"Hello?" Alison answered.

"Alison, I need to ask a favor of you" 

"Sure Leeroy what is it?" She asked. I sighed my breath coming out shaky, i tried my best not to cry.

"it didn't exactly go as planned with my parents" I began.

"Oh no Leeroy im so sorry, I knew I should have stayed with you!" She wailed. I shook my head.

"No no its ok, but I was wondering if you knew a place I could stay at for cheap, like a motel?" I asked. 

"No, don't bother stay at my place" She said.

"I couln't do that Al-"

"No, tell me where to pick you up and i'll pick you up" She demanded. I smiled, she and Marcel are always so fast to help me.

"At the bus stop about 3 blocks from my house, around 12 so my parents don't notice me leave" I sighed.

"Yea, of course Leeroy, I'm sorry about your parents" she sighed.

"It's ok, I should have seen it coming" I said sadly. They knew I liked guys yet they did anything in there power to be as naive as they were. 

"Ok be there at 12" She ended.

"See you then" 

I heard a beep. indicating that she had hung up.

I smiled at the thought of Alison being so kind to me. She accepted me no matter what, I apreciated everything she did. There where even countless times where she tried to set me up with many guys. She even offered to take me to a gay bar, She was the greatest friend in the world, besides Marcey of course. And with that I needed to help her with Niall. And i needed to despretly talk to Marcel about Alex. 

They pulled away from a hug. Alex's eyes were red and puffy. Did Harry do something? Why is she with Marcel again? I narrowed my eyes to make sure it was Marcel. Glasses. Yup that's Marcey. He pulled her in for a kiss. A kiss that she gladly accepted. My eyes widened as they pulled away, and I ran. I swear, Marcel saw me. 

I prepared my bed with a pillow under the covers to fool my parents that it was me, Then quietly made my way downstairs, hearing the loud snores from my parents room. Once downstairs I slid on a pair of sneakers and unlocked the door before stepping out into the cool night air. 

"Bye" I whispered before walking off into the night. My heart beat in my ears, And the tears streamed down my face. 

Alison's p.o.v

I parked the car, waiting where Leeroy told me to. I sat to the distant sounds of the quiet radio. 

'I want you back

My neighbors think im crazy

but they dont understand

you're all I have

you're all I have

at night when the star light up my room

i sit by myself

talking to the moon

trying to get to you

in hopes, you're on the other side

talking to me to

or am I a fool

Who sits alone 

talking to the moon'

I turned the radio down all the way. Holding back the few tears that developed thinking of Niall.


I know you're somewhere out there,

Somewhere far away'

Niall finished. I sat smiling on the roof. He had brought up his guitar with him in order to serinate me. 

"I love you" He smiled putting the guitar down next to him. 

"I love you too"  I leaned in to kiss him. I placed my lips on his soft ones and moved them slowly before pulling away. We sat in enjoyable silence before he talked again.

"How do you see yourself in 5 years?"  

I glanced at him confused.


"asking" he shrugged. I looked up at the stars thinking.

"Probably in college, trying to major in something like medicine or art. You?"

He stared at me blushing.

"With you, probably married to you. supporting you in everything you do maybe even beggining to start a family if you wanted" He smiled. My eyes widened at his sweet response. 

"You honestly don't know how much I love you Alison" He sighed looking back at the stars. 

"How much?" I asked. He glanced at me out of the corner of his eyes, smiling enough to reveal his braces. 

"To the moon and back"

I snapped out of my flahback smiling and crying. I would have loved to spend my life with Niall, but that didn't work out. And im honestly not sure if it would. I began the car once I saw a bright blonde haired boy walk towards the car. Leeroy climbed in sniffling, I quickly wiped my tears and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Can we go? or do you want to talk?" I asked.

"lets go" He smiled, his puffy red eyes bringing me pain but I drove off anyways.

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