Chapter 29

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Alex's p.o.v

We sat at the table, waiting for the take out we ordered. Marcel stared off into space, while I stared at him. His sense of style has changed so much, no more vest, dress pants, church shoes, or dress shirt. The glasses stayed but his style was more of a boyish style now. He wore a blue shirt along with some jeans and some white converse. His hair fell out into curls along the sides that were swept to the right.

"Like what you see?" He chuckled. I jumped slightly, a little too deep in thought. I blushed looking down into my hands.

"God, I love you" he whispered. I looked up, and smiled.

"But why?" I asked. He looked off into space again, thinking of the question on the line.

"I can't just tell you babe" he chuckled. I looked down, a little disappointed.

"But, tomorrow after school I can show you" he suggested making me look back up.

"How? What about Harry?"

"He has football practice after school, just meet me in the music room and I can show you" he smiled. I nodded smiling, hearing a knock on the door. For the rest of the night we ate and watched a movie until Marcel had to leave.

*next day*

Marcel's p.o.v

Why is that when you have something important or fun planned school goes by slower? I sat in 6th period and I swear it feels like I've been in this class forever. My head rested in the palm of my left hand while my right hand wrote in my notebook. I scribbled down random notes here and there but barely paid any attention.

Once class ended I walked down to my locker to get my things for 7th period. I made my way to the music room, I loved music but I didn't really enjoy learning about it. I'd always wanted to be a singer, Harry used to be on board with the idea. Until he began to hate me, then he told me that it was the stupidest idea he had ever heard, and that I should take up marketing. I shook the thoughts out of my mind as I walked into the Orchestra room.

"Marcel!" A blonde yelled as I walked into class. His bright red pants clashing with his orange shoes and yellow shirt, I swear he looked like a fire. And it didn't help that he had crazy blonde hair, except this time his hair was messy. Not his usual tidy hair, but messy in a good way. There was also no pink head band, but a SnapBack sitting comfortably on his head.

"What's with the new look?" I asked. He stopped right in front of me, looking suddenly hesitant.

"Is it not a good look?" He asked genuinely, not offended at all but more scared.

"No, it's great I'm just asking" I shrugged, his expression changed from hesitant to glad and ecstatic in seconds. I swear he scares me sometimes when he does that. He grabbed my arm and dragged me to one of the grand pianos. He sat me on the wooden seat and opened the piano for me. I stared up at him confused.

"Play!" He demanded.

"Play what?"

"Open the book to a random page and play" he said, pointing to the music book. I sighed and did what was told, I opened to 'Beethoven's Moonlight' I skimmed the notes before placing my fingers in the correct order and playing.


Alex's p.o.v

My leg was shaking terribly under the table while I tapped my fingers on the wooden desk surface.

"Wow, sweetheart you alright?" Danielle asked, placing her hand on my arm. I looked at her and nodded. I was fine but I just couldn't wait to see what Marcel had planned. It was weird that he had told me Harry had soccer practice and Harry didn't tell me anything, but I guess that's understandable, seeing that I ran out on him trying to have sex with me. In fact, he had kept his distance all day. But I didn't exactly complain.

"Are you sure?" Niall asked, placing an arm around me. I nodded and smiled.

"Guys I'm seriously ok I promise" I assured. They nodded, Danielle directed her attention back to the teacher while Niall looked down at his notes, leaving me to look at my hands. I heard a rip to the left of me, out of the corner of my eye I saw Niall writing on a scrap of paper and then fling it towards me.

'Is it the whole Harry trying to bang you thing?' It read. I pulled out a pen and scribbled down a response.

'He told you?'

'He told all of us' I growled suddenly feeling betrayed by Harry, but then again it didn't surprise me.

'Its not that, it's Marcel he had a plan to meet In the music room after school'


'I don't know'

'Are you afraid Harry will find out?'

'No, but now I am'

"Sorry" he mumbled, I giggled.

"Mrs Hale! Is there something you would like to share with the class!?" The teacher yelled, my eyes widened and I gulped.

"No sir"

"Then you wouldn't mind reading the next paragraph for us would you?" He asked a sly smile spread across his lips. I grabbed the packet and stared blankly at it.

"Line 4 paragraph 6" Danielle whispered. 'Thank you' I mouthed.

Marcel's p.o.v

Once I finished the song I realized I had developed a crowd. They all stared at me with wide eyes but walked away once the bell rang. I had played 8 songs and no one stopped me for the whole class, not even our teacher. Leeroy picked up all his things and stood in the doorway, waiting for me.

"Go on ahed without me I'm staying here" I smiled.


"Piano, music, I don't want to go see Harry play football" I listed smiling. He chuckled before nodding and walking out.

"If you need anything Al and I will be at my house ok?" He assured walking back into the class.

"You and Alison have been getting along quite nicely lately, are you sure you don't fancy her?" I asked, smirking. His eyes widened.

"No! We play for the same team anyways" he shouted. I laughed.

"Now goodbye!" He said leaving. I waved him a goodbye not even paying attention anymore. I walked to my bag and pulled out my notebook and placed it on the piano. Walking around I heard a door swing open. Alex. She walked over to me and smiled, pulling me into a hug.

"Ready?" I asked.

"What are you going to show me?" She asked smiling, I lightly tugged her arm towards the piano. I sat in the seat as she leaned along the edge of the piano. I opened up my notebook and set it down. I placed my fingers on each key and played. The beginning of the song is slow paced so I took my time on it. Then I took a deep breathe to start.

'I've waited a hundred years

And I'd wait a million more for you

Nothing prepared me for

The privilege of being yours

A do

If I had only felt the warmth with in your touch

If I had only see how you smile when you blush

Or how you curl your lip when you concentrate enough'

I smiled glancing over go her. She stood there in shock, tears forming at her eyes.

'I would've known

What I was living for

What I've been living for'

I stared at the keys as the song sped up a tad. The song still containing romance and meaning.

'Your love is my turning page

Where only the sweetest words remain

Every kiss is a cursive line

Every touch is a redefined phrase

I surrender who I've been

For who you are

Nothing makes me stronger than

Your fragile heart

If I had only felt how it feels to be yours

I would have know what I've been living for all along

What I've been living for'

I stopped singing and focused on the piano.

'We're tethered to the story we must tell

When I saw you

Well I knew we'd tell it well

With the whisper

We will tame the vicious scenes

Like a feather bringing kingdoms to their knees'

I ended. I looked back up at Alex. Her eyes were now shedding free tears while her hands cupped around her mouth and nose. I stood up and pulled her into my arms. Where she instantly crumbled.

"I love you" I breathed into her hair.

"I love you too" she whispered, her breathe coming out shakily. I pulled away and kissed her, we moved out lips at a steady pace until we finally pulled away. Where I spotted a blonde standing outside the door, before running off.

HAHAHAHA ZERINA. For those of you who don't know Zerina is a very close friend of mine, who when I leave a cliff hanger has a hissy fit. Which entertains me every time. Anyways, here is the chapter and I am very happy with it the song is called 'Turning Page-Sleeping at last' so if you wanted to listen to it go on ahed. It seemed like a fitting song didn't it? So, thanks again for the reads and comments I love you guys and ill write tomorrow like always.


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