Chapter 48

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Marcel's p.o.v

We all sat around the table. And if I had to describe how I felt right now I would say, Pissed, Awkward, And confused. First of all why did Alex forgive him? She was always so clever yet this is a mistake! This dick shouldn't even be alive right now but I trust her either way. 

"Babe?" Alex asked snapping me out of my daydream. I hummed un response.

"You ok?"

"Define ok?" I smiled. She giggled and shook her head before returning to her conversation with Danielle. She and Liam had not exactly been on speaking terms since the whole Alex thing, which i'm guessing was out of fear and anger.

"Hey Leeroy can I talk to you?" Liam asked sudenly breaking his silence. We stared at Leeroy for his response and he turned from his conversation with Carter.

"Uh...Rather not" He said blandly before turning back to Carter. I silently chuckled, while Liam stared down at his hands in silence again. It was a little upseting to see him so sad to be rejected from his own brother but I pushed it out of my head. He kinda deserved it. 

"Well uh, I'm going to head out them...uh...I got a lot of home work ya know?" Liam sighed, scratching the back of his neck and standing up. He walked out of the cafetaria in sorrow and awkwardness while we sat there staring at Leeroy and the spot Liam sat at. 

Liam's p.o.v

 I felt humiliated. My own brother, refused to even talk to me alone. But I guess I should have seen it coming, I did hurt a close friend of his. I just thought this would be the one time I could try to apologize, even try. Or just let him cuss me out and get it all off his chest. I do miss him though, not seeing him around the house was hard but my parents seemed ok with it, besides the fact that he ran away. 

There was still a pending question in my mind though. What is Alex planning? She told me just to be nice, thats it. What's the catch? I remember how Danielle would rant on and on about how smart she was, so what was she planing?

My heart began to clench as I walk out of the school. I was honestly amazed that the teachers didn't try to stop any of us from leaving school grounds, but then again I feel like they don't give two shits. Thinking of Danielle and Leeroy being ripped away from me made me feel broken. I guess they kinda were, Because I was a total dumb ass and almost put Alex in a grave. 

I climbed into my car and sat there thinking of ways on how to get Leeroy to talk to me again, alone I mean. But I guess I should just give up, he won't talk to me ever and neither will Danielle. I lost the things that meant the world to me and I am now hated by the people who I considered to be my best friends. I was hopeless. 

Leeroy's p.o.v

"What?" I snapped at Alex, who was staring at me a little dissapointed after Liam left. 

"Nothing, I just though you guys could talk" She shrugged quietly. 

"Never in a million years" 

"are you sure?" 

"Alex, it will never happen. Liam hates me and I hate him, end of story"

"Ok but-"

"ENOUGH, I'M NOT GOING TO TALK TO HIM!" I shouted angrily. The table fell quiet, while Alex nodded, understanding. The rest of the table stared at me dissapointed while Alex returned to her food. I groaned and got up, walking away from the table. I walked into the hall, and heard steps behind me.

"Babe wait" A calm voice called behind me. I turned around facing a very calm Carter make his way towards me. His blonde quif bounced slightly as he walked towards me, once he got to me he bore into my head with his calm yet dissapointed blue eyes. 

Don't tell me he is agreeing that I should go talk to Liam.

"Why won't you talk to him?" 

"I didn't want to risk being left alone with him, he hates me"

"but does that mean you have to hate him?"

I stared at the ground. He was right...and I hated it. 

"No" I sighed. I literally felt like if I was a 5 year old being lectured on not throwing sand at the other kids. 

"Exactly, and he's making an effort to talk. Just give him a chance babe" He smiled. I sighed, not fully convinced and still staring at the floor. He liften my chin gently with both hands making me face him.

"For me?" He pouted, giving me a puppy dog look. I chuckled and nodded, before placing a small kiss on his lips and walking out of the school, having a hunch on where he is. 


I walked from the bus stop to the familiar house I had run away from about a month and a half ago. As I suspected Liam's car was parked right in front of the car. Walking to the front door I took in my surroundings, I did miss the old place but I didn't miss my naive parents who were probably still as stuborn as ever. I knocked lightly on the door and waited for a response, I knew that this was my house but it felt forgein to be here. The door opened revealing non other than my mum.

"Leeroy!" She gasped, her eyes widening as she extended her arm to my hand. I pulled it away in a brute force, not wanting to touch her at all. 


"I'm not here to come home mum, I need to talk to Liam" I snapped rolling my eyes. She swallowed hard and nodded letting me in. As I walked up the steps I felt something tug at my shirt.

"We are so sorry Ethan" She sighed looking down. I was about to forgive her when I realized something, she was faking. 

"I don't believe you" 

She looked up from the ground in shock. Did she honestly think I would forgive her that easily?


"Because if you were truly sorry you would have looked me in the eye and called me Leeroy" I growled, before turning my back on her and proceeding upstairs to my idiot younger brother.

Liam's p.o.v

I layed on my stomach spread out on the bed. Ever since I came home today I haven't left my room, for anything. I heard a knock on my door and groaned.

"go away mum" I called out. Another knock.

"Mum go away!" 

I heard the knob turn and the door open, I was about to shout at my mother but looked face to face with Leeroy. 

"Lee..." I trailed off.

"You wanted to talk?" He asked looking around. I nodded and sat up, letting him sit on the edge of the bed. I though of where to start before I began to talk.

"I am a dick" 

He stared at me confused, as I proceeded.

"I am a dick, and I shouldn't even deserve to be here talking to you right now. I am so sorry Leeroy, I truly am. I've always accepted you in being gay and I aways will I don't need you to forgive me but I just want you to know that I am so sorry and I have never judged you on this" I sighed. He stared at me for a little before glaring.

"That's bullshit, if you always 'accepted' me like you said you do then why have you been an ass hole about it?" He snapped. 

"Mum and dad, they called me into there room after you came out and told me not to encourage you on being gay, they said it was a phase and that you would grow out of it. I went way to far with it because of my anger towards them" I explained. He gasped, and placed a hand over his chest. 

"Mum and dad told you to-"

"yes...I am so sorry Lee I should have told you but...I don't have an excuse go ahed and hate me but I am so freaking-" 

I was cut off by Leeroy grabbing the front of my shirt and pullung me towars him, before wrapping his arms around me. 

"It's ok, I should have known mum and dad put you up to it I am sorry I was being so rude to you"

"Don't apologize it was my fault but are we ok?"

He pulled away and smiled genuanly.

"We're ok"

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