Chapter 53

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Marcel's p.o.v

We finished the film and laid on the couch. Alex's head laied on the crook of my neck while I held her small body. 

"What do you think will happen with us?"

"What do you mean babe?"

"I mean, will we keep in touch with Dani, Niall, Al, and the rest or will we just blow away like nothing happened?"

I stared at her out of the corener of my eye then back to the ceiling. 

"Well, I will abviously see Harry all the that sucks" I joked. She laughed and looked up at me inocently.

"But in all seriousness, where do you see them later on?"

"Dani will most likely be married to Liam, Niall to Alioson, Leeroy will go on a trip to paris with Carter, Zayn will most likely never learn to swim, and Perrie will most likely force to teach him" I stated. She nodded and thought it through.

"And Harry?"

"He will probably get married eventually and have 1 girl named Darcey"

"Huh, that's cute..and us?"

I stared at her and smiled, about to say the cheesiest thing in the world.

"I see us together, starting a family and living out the rest of our lives together" I shrugged. She looked up at me in shock, her crystal blue eyes showing hints of hope and happyness.

"Do you mean that?" 

"With everything I've got"

She smiled as I pulled her in for an innocent yet passionate kiss


*1 Month later*

Alex's p.o.v

I drove over to Marcel and Harry's house. Marcel told me he wanted to me to meet him there, something about a surprise. I pulled into the driveway silently and walked over to the front door, I turned the knob and walked in.


"In here" He called back.

I walked in the direction of the voice and ended up in the dining room. I stared in shock and confusion at the sight. The table was set up with a red table cloth, there were 2 candles in the center along with a bouquet of roses, plates set up with delecious smelling and looking food. I glanced up at Marcel who stood in the exact outfit we met in. His thick glasses that took up most of his face, the white button up fitting snuggly along with his vest that matched his black pants and shoes.

"What's this?"

"The date I never took you on" He smiled. I grinned and sat down in front of his seat. He stared at me smiling from across the table as we ate. I don't understand why but it made me feel self concious about myself. 

"What's this for baby?" I asked wiping my mouth and taking a sip of water. 

"I just felt you deserved a proper first date and I never got to take you on one since I was such a wimp" He shrugged, I stared at him in disbeleif.

"But we've already had a first date" I smiled thinking back to the night in my pool.

"But It wasn't proper" He chuckled putting a piece of food in his mouth. 

"I love you" I smiled.

"You have no idea how much I love you" He chuckled. After we had finished eating we sat at the table talking about nonsense.

"Babe?" He asked as I took down more swigs of water.


"Do you remember about a couple weeks ago how you asked where I would see us?" He asked looking down at the empty yet stained plate. I stared confused, why is he asking?

"Yes, it was a random question. Why?"

" remember what I told you?"

"That you see us together but what does that have to do with anything?" I asked as he stood up in front of me I stared up at him in confusion as he pulled my arm lightly to stand up.

"Well, I meant it...and I've been meaning to tell you this" He began, I stared into his green orbs completly confused.

"but, you are the most important thing to me. I love you so much and I have no idea where I would be if it weren't with you, most likely in a ditch but you are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me and I was wondering" He added. I began to catch on to what he was motioning to and my bottom lip quivered at the thought. I watched in awe and shock as he pulled a small velvet box out of his pocket and went down on one knee staring up at me smiling. My hands flew up to my mouth as I gasped once he oppened the box.

"Will you marry me?"



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