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Chapter 23,

-Listen to the song while your reading☺ Yall might like it..... That girl can sing her ass off😩💞


I pulled up in front of Eric's house and frowned when I seen a familiar car parked in his driveway. I parked and stepped out my car holding the food I got him in a plastic bag, I felt bad for leaving him last night but I'm not gonna stay here while he's being an asshole. 😒

I pulled out the key and unlocked the door. I stepped inside and seen Eric on the couch with Octavia right beside him. "Wassup Mimi?" Eric asked. I gave him a fake smile while I closed the door. "Hi" I mumbled. "I brought you some food" I said placing it on the coffee table.

"I'm good, Tavia just brought me some IHOP" I looked at her. She smirked and looked sway from me. "Well you can eat this later then.... You need any clothes washed?" I asked. He nodded.

"Yea, their all in the washing machine" I nodded as I sat my things on the island before walking inside the laundry room. "So what you think it is?" I heard Octavia ask Eric. "It looks like a boy" Eric said.

I frowned a little then cleared my throat. I forgot she was pregnant. Damn. Part of me envy her, she still has her baby. Eric has another kid coming, and not with me. I started the washing machine and felt my eyes beginning to burn. I blinked a couple times before I walked out the room.

Octavia started laughing as Eric was talking to her. I walked in the kitchen and started the dish washer. I wiped all the counters down and the stove then started sweeping. "I'm getting some water" I heard Octavia say. She stood up and walked in the kitchen where I was.

She looked at me for a second then looked away, I pretended I didn't even notice her ass. I kept it that way until she accidentally dropped the glass cup filled with ice water. "Omg. I am so sorry" she said sarcastically. I clenched my teeth.

Eric rolled in here and seen the glass shattered all over the floor. "Y'all okay?" He asked. "Yea I just slipped" Octavia mumbled looking like she was surprised.
I mentally rolled my eyes at her. "Yea, sure" I said.

"What's your problem? I didn't say anything to you" Octavia said. "You didn't have to" I said. "Aight, stop" Eric said rubbing his temples. "Y'all need to stop arguing. Now" I folded my arms across my chest.

"She started it" Octavia said. I looked at her and frowned. "Bitch how old are you? 5? 'she started it' I mimicked her in a baby voice. Octavia scoffed and shook her head. "I don't give af about who started it.

I'm in a damn wheel chair and y'all wanna trip ova baby shit. Calm tf down" I looked back at Octavia who was looking away from everyone. "Now apologize or both of y'all get out my house" I sucked my teeth. "Apologize?" I asked. Eric looked at me.

"Hell no" I said. "If anything she should be apologizing to me, she took me away from my kids. Trying to set me up and you want me to apologize?" I asked. Eric sighed. "No, not no but hell no" I rolled my eyes and grabbed my things. "Wea' you going?" "Home, obviously I'm not needed" I mumbled walking out the door.


I ran a hand down my face as I heard the door slam shut. "You alright?" Octavia asked. I shook my head. "No, I'm not" I said. She frowned. "Well-" "She just left for tge hundredth time and im trying to make things work with us. I understand you and I have a kid but im trying to get my girl back and you fucking everything up" I looked up at her.

Her eyes were watering and red. I sighed and ran a hand down my face. "Im sorry-" she wiped her face. "Nah, its okay. I get it you love her and..... I keep messing up the chances of yall getting back together. I get it"

she stepped to the side and walked in the living room grabbing her things. I was about to say something to her but decided against it. I wanna be there for the baby but..... Ion wanna be with her .


"Mommy's gonna talk to yall tomorrow okay?" Lyric and Mace groaned. "Whyyyy?" Lyric asked. I chuckled and looked at the clock. "Because, its 1:00 in the morning and yall should be sleep" I said. "Its not 1:00 here" Mace said.

"And we miss you! Grandma makes us write our names and ABC's" Lyric said. "Every night!" Mace added yelling in my ear. I sighed and yawned.

"Oh yea? Let me talk to her" I said. "Alright..... Grandma!!" Mace yelled. A couple seconds later. Kathie grabbed the phone and told them to play basketball in the back. "Hey Naomi"

"Hey Kathie..... When are y'all coming down here?" I asked. "When we get down there" I sighed. "You alright? We havent talked in a while" I sighed. "Yea.... Its just your son. He's so far up that girls behind its crazy"

"You know how he gets Naomi-" "Yea, I know. But we're trying to work on our relationship and its not working so well" "What happened?" I sighed not trying to get into all of that.

"Long story" I mumbled running a hand through my hair. "Well whatever it is, if yall are truly in love with eachother You'll find a way back to eachother" I nodded my head.

"Yea, you right" I said. "Im always right, now get some sleep alright?" "Yea" I hung up the phone and sighed.



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