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Chapter 15,


"You not worried at all?" Seb asked me. I shook my head and leaned into my seat. "Nah, I'm not. As long as he don't forget about the kids we have. Then I'm straight" Seb nodded his head. "Okay, I see you...." I looked around for the kids and frowned a little.

"Hey, you seen the kids?" I asked. He shook his head. "Nah, they were at the sandbox" I stood up and examined the whole playground. "Lyric! Maceon!" I yelled. "Oh shit" Seb mumbled. "Mommy!" I looked down and seen the twins. I took a sigh of relief and stooped down to their level.

"What I tell yall about running off huh?" I asked pulling them into a hug. "A man took us for ice cream" I frowned. "What man?" I asked. "Ms. Young? " I looked up slowly at two mean. Obviously cops. "I might be.... why?" I asked.

They pulled out their badges. "I'm Detective Lockhart and this is my partner Detective Caston..... do you know an Octavia?" He asked. I froze for a second before nodding my head. "Yes.... she's my boyfriend's ex. Why?" I asked.

They looked at each other then at me. "Where were you yesterday at approximately 8 p.m?" They asked. "At home. With my kids, why? What's going on?" I asked. "I'm afraid we're gonna have to pull yall in for questioning" I frowned. "For what?" I asked.

Detective Caston grabbed my arm but I snatched it away. "Alright! But now in front of my kids" I said. They stepped back a little and nodded. I looked down at the twins who was just as scared as me.

"Mommy has to go somewhere alright? Seb is gonna take yall to Auntie Camilla's" I said. "Why?" Lyric asked. "I don't know babes, but don't worry about all of that okay? I'll be home before you know it" They nodded their heads. I kissed their foreheads and Seb grabbed their hands.

"Call Camilla and tell her to call my lawyer" Seb nodded his head and looked at the two cops. "Go Sebastian!" I yelled. I threw him my keys to my car and watched them walk off. I turnt back to the cops. "Ready?" Detective Lockhart asked. I ignored him and walked to their car.


I opened Octavia's hospital room door and took a sigh of relief when I seen her laying on the bed looking at tv. Her face was fucked up, eyes were swallowen..... She looked up at me and smiled a little. "Hey E" I walked up to her and sat on the chair beside her bed side.

"Hey.... what the hell happened?" I asked. She frowned. "You don't know?" She asked. I frowned and shook my head. "Nah..... what?" She sighed. "I'm sorry to tell you this but your Lil girlfriend did this to me " my frown deepened. "What? When?"

"Yesterday night....." I shook my head not believing any is this. "She couldn't have" "She did Eric, she did this to my face!" I shook my head and stood up. "Nah, you lying. I was with her last night " "All night? You didn't go to sleep first?" She asked.

I froze for a second remembering everything that happened that night. "I thought so..... you didn't tell her I was pregnant did you?" She asked. I sighed. "I knew it. You told her now she's trying to kill me!" "She wouldn't do that-" "Are you serious? You saw how she attacked me! She's crazy!"

I still shook my head. "Think about it Eric..... she's crazy" I sighed.


"I don't know what yall talking about" I said leaning into my chair. "You know exactly what we're talking about, you were mad that your bf got her pregnant. So you decided to teach her a lesson. Am I right?"

Detective Caston asked. I shook my head. "No" I said camly. He looked into my eyes, trying to see if I was lying or not. I didn't touch that girl. I didn't, I wouldn't hurt a pregnant woman.

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