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Cɧaptҽɾ 22,


"Eric wake up" I said. Taping his shoulder. He groaned and pulled the cover over his body. I sighed and pulled the cover from off of him. "Wtf!" He yelled. "Wake up nigga" I said. "No" "You need to take yo medicine. I know yo leg hurt so just get the hell up" I said. He opened his eyes and stared at the wall.

"Eric-" "I'm up" he said sitting up a bit. I handed him his glass of water and pills. He sighed and popped the pills in his mouth before drinking the water. He handed me the glass and opened his mouth so I can check him. "Alright" he slightly rolled his eyes and laid back down.

He's been acting like a big ass baby lately, I know his leg hurt but dang. He 'on gotta be an asshole. I got up from the bed and exited his room and walked down the steps, I seriously wanted to leave and go to my house for a couple hours just to sleep in my bed but I couldn't cause I got another baby to look after.

I decided to make dinner now instead of doing it tonight, so I can feed Eric and go to sleep. I pulled out some ground beef and decided to make some tacos. Its not like I didn't wanna take care of him, I just need some sleep.

I put the meat on and walked in the living room and cut the TV on grabbing the remote. I surfed the channels until I stopped at Friends. My favorite show. I laid back and felt my eyes getting heavy. I was sleep for a couple seconds before I heard someone knock on the door.

I got up rubbing my eyes before I opened the door. I frowned when I seen a lady, standing in front of me. "Is this Eric Wrights house?" She asked. I frowned wondering who she was. I hope this wasn't a surprise baby mama. "Uh, why?" I asked. She looked me up and down.

"Wow. You really are a feisty one aren't you?" I raised a brow. She smiled and held out her hand. "I'm Patricia, Eric's sister" my frown deepened.
"S-sister?" I asked. She nodded her head and slowly let her hand down. "Yea.... He didn't tell you about me?" She asked. I just stared at her.

"Umm. Is he here? I would like to see him" "How'd you get through the gate?" I asked. She sighed. "Its the twins birthday right?" "Who told you? Kathie?" I asked. She smiled. "She might've..... Look-" "Naomi!" I sighed once I heard Eric call me name.

"Coming!" I yelled back. I looked back at Patricia who was anxious to come inside. "Come in" I said finally. She smiled and I stepped aside letting her walk in. I closed and locked the door behind her. "Smells good" she said looking around. I looked her up and down.

"Yea..... I'm gonna bring him down. Make yourself comfortable" she smiled and nodded her head taking a seat on the couch. I ran up the stairs and into Eric's room to see him laying on his back looking up at the ceiling.

I closed the door getting his attention. He lifted his head up a bit. I folded my arms across my chest. "What's wrong witchu?" He asked. "So when were you gonna tell me you had a sister?" I asked. He frowned a little. "My sisters here?" He asked.

"You were gonna keep this a secret?" I asked. Eric sighed. "Mimi its not like that" he said.
"We haven't talked since I left, she tried to call every once in a while but I kept dodging her calls" "Why?" I asked. "Does it matter-"

"Yes! It does. Now I have to tell the twins they have a long lost auntie" Eric was silent. "I'm gonna help you down the stairs and y'all can talk" I said. He sighed and held his hands up waiting for me to pick him up.

"This is them on their first birthday" I said pointing at a picture of the twins. Patricia smiled. "They look just like you" she said. I smacked my lips. "Girl they look like Eric....their triplets" I said. She chuckled.

"Then their all short-" "Dont start" Eric said cutting me off. Patricia and I bust out laughing. "Okay fine" Eric rolled his eyes. "Jesus" he mumbled. "This is them at Disney World for their birthday a couple months ago" I said. Patricia took a good look at them.

"You know Maceon's brighter than Lyric?" Patricia pointed out. I nodded my head. "Yea, I know. But then she has all that hair" "She's gorgeous" I smiled. "Thank you" I said. "So.... Are y'all together?" Patricia asked. I shook my head.

"Nah.... We're getting there" she nodded slowly. "Last thing I heard y'all was engaged" I nodded. "Yea, that was before the twins were born" "What happened?" She asked. I looked at Eric who was looking back at me.

"We uh.... He...." I cleared my throat. She looked at the both of us and frowned. "Awe.....dang" "So thats them on their first day of daycare" I said changing the subject.

The next day.......

I stuffed some popcorn in my mouth and laid back in my seat. "I gotta use it" Eric mumbled. I sighed and was about to stand up when Eric stopped me. "Nah, you good" he said. I frowned. "You only have one leg, wym you good?" I asked.

He ignored me and made his way to the bathroom. I stood up and followed him just so he can yell at me.

"I said I was good Mimi!" I frowned. "Im trying to help you-" "Ion need help" he said cutting me off. My frown deepened. "Oh really?" He nodded his head. "Yes really" I nodded my head. "Okay. Fine break yo other leg den. Handy cap nigga" I mumbled plopping back on the couch.

A couple seconds later I heard the toilet flush, then heard a big thud. "Fuck!" I stood up from my seat and ran into the bathroom and seem Eric on his stomach while his chair was a couple inches away from him.

I pulled the chair closer to him and tried to help him up. "I'm good!" I sighed and backed away from him holding my hands up in surrender. "I was trying to help yo ass!" "Ion need yo help" he mumbled.

I scoffed. "Then who? Octavia?" I asked. "At least she don't go bitchin' and yelling at niggas all the time" he spat. He grabbed onto the sink and sat on his chair. I raised a brow. He looked at me for a couple seconds before realizing what he had said.

"Damn Mimi I'm sorry" I shook my head and walked out the door. "If you want yo babymama here call her, I'm leaving" I said. "Leaving where?!" "Home! Until you stop being a big ass baby!" I yelled at him. He sighed. "I said I was sorry" he said.

"Well sorry doesn't always make things better does it?" I asked. Eric was silent. "I thought so, I'll be back here tomorrow. I'm not staying here with you everyday" I grabbed my purse and keys before leaving out.





Y'all know I had to bring E's sister up in here! How y'all feeling so far? Almost over😭


Patricia & E in the multimedia

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