Chapter 16

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I awaken the next morning to Juliet shaking me saying "Mummy! Wake up! Wake up! Daddy's making pancakes!" She looks about 3 years old so I must have slept longer than I thought. Her curly brown hair falls to her shoulders and her eyes look more like the Doctor's every second.

"Alright, Juliet. I'm getting up." I smile. I stand up from my bed and Juliet goes over to Garfield.

"Good morning, Garfield. How are you?"

"I'm doing great, Juliet! How are you doin?"

"I'm doing amazing. Daddy said that today we will be going to take Aunt Rose home which makes me terribly sad, but afterwards we will go to see Grandfather Sherlock! And when we drop Ron and Aunt Rose and Uncle Mickey off then we get to see Great Uncle Pete!"

I smile. I look down at my stomach which is back to its normal size. I can't say that I'm surprised about her superior intellect. After I get dressed, I pick her up.

"Let's go eat breakfast, honey."

"Allons-y!" she says. I laugh and carry her out of the room on my hip and into the main room where breakfast is sitting on the table. Rose walks out of the room at the same time I do with Ron on her hip. The Doctor and Mickey are sitting at the table waiting for us.

"Well good morning!" says the Doctor. We set Juliet in a highchair as Rose and Mickey set Ron in his highchair. I sit down and begin to eat the pancakes.

"Anything new?" Rose and I ask our spouses.

"Her first words were 'Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey'." says the Doctor.

"His first word was 'Clock'. " says Mickey.

After we finish eating, the Doctor announces that we have landed. Rose and Mickey take Ron's hands and lead him out of the door. The Doctor and I take Juliet's hands and lead her out behind them. When we arrive at the Tyler's house, Pete and Jackie immediately divert their attention to their grandson while their son diverts his attention to my daughter.

He walks up to her with his pet bunny and hands it to her saying "It's magic."

"I know." she says. "Do you want to see a magic trick?"

"Yeah!" he says enthusiastically.

She makes the rabbit float into the air and has it do a flip and land back in his arms. I look at the Doctor who smiles.

"We should get going." he says. "We'll see you soon, okay?"

"Bye-Bye!" says Ron. "We love you!"

The Doctor, Juliet, and I walk back to the TARDIS. "Alright Juliet! You ready to meet Grandpa Sherlock?" I ask her.

"Yes! That would be splendid!" she says.


I knock on the door of 221 Baker Street, the Doctor and Juliet standing behind me. The elderly woman answers the door again. "Oh glad to see you again, Ariana. Your father is upstairs. He's been shooting the wall all morning. Bored out of his mind. And who is this young lady?"

"I'm Juliet. I'm her daughter." she replies.

"Well congratulations you two!" the elderly woman welcomes us in.

I walk up the stairs slowly, each step creaking as I step on it. The sound of shooting stops and Watson stops talking. I open the door and am immediately bombarded by my father.

"I'm so glad to see you! Oh how I've missed you!" he hugs me and looks behind my back, eyeing Juliet. "Who is that?"

"Dad, this is Juliet. She's your granddaughter." I reply, walking over to the Doctor. Juliet runs up and hugs her granddad.

"You're a grandfather now, Sherlock." says Watson. Dad stares at her in disbelief and with love.

"So you two are-"

"Married? Yes."

Dad sighs and says "If it was going to be anybody, I'd want it to be you, Doctor."


We step back into the TARDIS. The Doctor introduces us to our new room. One bed for us and a smaller bed for Juliet, but she can climb in with us if she wants to.

"So where do you want to go, Juliet?" the Doctor asks.

"I want to go-"

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