Chapter 8

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While I'm at the controls, the other two question me to no end.

"How old are you?"


"You're a witch?"

"I suppose so."

"Have you got a wand?"


"How many times have you used it?"

"None yet."

"Well try it now."

I pull out my wand and duct tape flies out of it and shuts their mouths.

"That's better." I smile. "We're here."

I walk out of the TARDIS first. The cold winter air slaps my face. Snow covers the ground and the sky. I hold my hands behind my back and the other two step out of the TARDIS behind me. Rose quickly runs back inside to get a coat.


"Yeah, Ana?"

"I've got something to tell you...I...The TARDIS... it's been in me for 4 months...I've become...I've become a.. Timelord."


"I've become a Timelord. You heard me. I'm immortal. Two hearts are beating inside me."

"But you've still got the knowledge of the universe inside your head from the TARDIS?"

"Yeah." I sigh. I've been wanting to get this out since we left my dad's.

"Come here." he says, pulling me into a tight hold. My head hardly reaches his shoulder. My dark curly hair falls over my face. I feel teardrops on my head. I look up to him.

"You're crying."

"Yeah.. Sorry bout that." He releases me from the hug and wipes away the tears. He's smiling at me. "I'm not alone anymore."

"You never will be again."

"So where are we, Ana?"

"Christmas eve, 1940."

Rose walks out again in a coat and gloves.

The Doctor decides not to tell her yet. "We're in 1940. Christmas eve."

"Alright, you two, go off and do what you want. I need to see whats going on around here. Meet me back here in approximately 3 hours. Got it?" he says.


He turns and runs toward a bar. Rose and I start cracking up laughing.

We walk down the sidewalk in silence. I stare at the ground, my golden eyes shining off the pavement at me.

"So did he talk about me at all?"

"Sort of, yeah. Picking you up was the first thing we did after he found me."

"So how did that happen?"

"Well, I'd been acquiring power for five months. The authorities put me in a prison cell, tested me, and released me. I figured out about my dad, saw him, then went shopping at the mall and as I was sitting on the corner of the street he found me. And yeah.. after that we picked you up."

"Sounds busy." she smiles. "D'you know what? I could go for a cup of tea right now."

"Me too." I say, and we run over to the nearest place for tea.

Over the course of the next three hours, Rose and I became best friends. Just as we were about to set off back to the TARDIS, a shadowy figure knocks us out and drags us into a building.


I wake up a little while later and look around me. This can't be the 1940s. Too futuristic. This is obviously another time traveller.

Just then, a tall figure approaches us.

"A human and a Timelord. We've been expecting you for quite some time."

I look beside me. Rose is looking at me bewildered.

We're trapped in a sort of metal machine.

"I can destroy you in an instant." I snarl.

"But you wouldn't yet. Not until you heard what I need you two for."

"What is it?"

"I need you to bring me the Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver. When I release you, you will bring it to me or else you will be disintegrated. Oh, and bring the Doctor with you."

"Alright." I say.

Rose looks at me in disbelief.

He releases us. "You've got 30 minutes to be back here with the Doctor and his screwdriver."

"Got it."

Rose and I run out of the building. "What are you doing?"

"The man has an invention. one that only the Doctor's screwdriver can power up."

"And you're a Timelord?!"

"Yes, Rose."

We arrive at the TARDIS where the Doctor is standing, waiting for us. "An hour late?"

"Sorry. We got held up." Rose explains.

"Well nothings going on here. Allons-y!"

"Wait, Doctor." I grab his arm. "I want to show you this nice place I found."

"Um. Alright." he walks along beside me and Rose. Rose is fidgety.

"Doctor, can I see your sonic screwdriver?"

"I suppose so." He hands it over and I stop at the door and open it.

"I see you've come. Hand me the screwdriver." Says the tall figure.

"No. I brought you the screwdriver. I have to do it."

The tall figure turns the light on and reveals the machine. We walk inside. Rose and the Doctor watch in disbelief as I walk up to the machine and prepare to insert the sonic screwdriver into the machine. The Doctor gasps. I must seem like such a villain right now.

I turn the screwdriver sideways and activate it. I turn sideways and see the Doctor smile. The machine explodes and I run back over to him and Rose. I hand him his screwdriver.

The tall figure comes barreling towards us. "That took me 5 years to make!" He screams.

"People would have died. And that would mess up the future. I'm giving you a second chance. If I catch you again you will be exterminated." I take my leave and the other two follow closely behind.

"That was amazing what you did back there!" Rose says. "But you're just going to let him go?"

"Don't worry. He'll be back..."

We make it back to the TARDIS and when we step inside, the Doctor says "I was thinking we could stay here for a week... Everything's happening quickly... And I'd like to spend Christmas here... Is that okay with you two?"

"Sounds good." I say. I walk to my room and close the door. The walls are ice blue. The floor is peachy colored carpet.

I overhear the Doctor telling Rose about the Timelord thing and Rose telling him she already knows. I lie down and fall asleep. I'm exhausted!

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