Chapter 7

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The Doctor is at the controls this time while Rose and I talk.

"Doesn't it hurt your head?"

"Not anymore."

"So can we go and see your dad? I mean its Sherlock Holmes."

"Sure. Why not?"


"On it."

We land on Baker Street. Rose and I walk out first, followed by the Doctor.

"Oh, and Ariana?" the Doctor stops me.

"Yeah, Doctor?"

"Don't make me seem like an idiot please. I'm used to being the genius."

"Don't worry, Doctor. I know. I'll keep quiet unless something needs to be spoken."

I knock on the door of 221 Baker Street. The old woman opens the door again and hugs me. I hug her back.

"Welcome back. Your father's upstairs. I think he's working on a case."

"Alright." I smile as she guides us up the stairs.

I look back at Rose and the Doctor and they're both smiling, excited.

I open the door and Watson's on the laptop. My dad's sitting across from him, his hands in praying position as he thinks.

He turns his head as I walk in.

"Hey, Ana." he says, standing up for a moment and hugging me then sitting back down. "Haven't seen you in a couple of months. Where've you been?"

"I've been traveling. With the Doctor." I say and I gesture towards the Doctor and Rose.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Holmes." the Doctor says, shaking my dad's hand.

"Please, call me Sherlock." my dad seems unsure of him. "Have you a liscense to drive, Doctor?"

"Yes." the Doctor pulls out Psychic paper and shows it to my dad, who seems convinced.

My dad pulls him into a hold he can't get out of. "Where have you taken my daughter. Neither me or her mother have seen her in months and she just shows up with you. She didn't contact me. Where did you take her?"

"Dad!" I scream. "Let go of him! You're being over protective!"

"Oh. Sorry." he says and lets go.

"It's just traveling, sir. Any place either of them like."

"I need to get back to my case. If you'll excuse me."

"What's the case, dad?"

"Two women, murded at the same place and the same time. The murderer set it up where it looked like they shot themselves but the woman holding the pistol was left handed but the gun was in her right hand. They were killed at the exact same time which means there wasn't one attacker.. But two!"

"I'm not going to tell you anything because you love to do this sort of stuff, dad. - Watch it, Watson. You're off to a good start. Look at the directions of the footprints on the tiled floor." I say, and take my leave.

"It was nice to meet you, Mr. Holmes." the Doctor says, Rose and him following behind me.

"What was that for?" he asks.

"It's best to leave my dad alone when he's doing his work. He doesn't like to be... bothered. So where next?"

"I dunno." Rose says.

" about Barcelona? No. No. Um... You choose, Ariana, er.. can I call you Ana?"

"Yes, Doctor. And it will be a surprise for both of you. Allons-y!"

"Seriously?!" the Doctor says.

I take the controls and we're off to wherever I say.

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